
Saturday 29 August 2015

Sisters of the Rose

In the perfect peace post, I mentioned great aunt Rose who was a sister of Sophia and Mary.

I still remember her happy face, and she was always smiling, she always seemed to be happy, no matter what happened in her life. When I was a child I loved her son, and when he got married, I was asked to be one of the bridesmaids. The little pre-school age child wasn't happy that he was getting married, and everyone thought it was funny, when they saw her funny face. It was the one and only time that I was a bridesmaid at a family wedding.

Yours truly, always remembered that day, so when I married, I gave a little girl an opportunity to be a bridesmaid at my wedding. A little girl from a single-parent family, a little girl that had a working mum. Her mum and I worked together in London. The other two girls were of the same age, one of the girls was the granddaughter of my mother's best friend, and the third child was a member of the family.

Three little girls, all the same age, they were so sweet, dressed in blue velvet, as I wished for them to be warm at the April wedding. I had envisioned blue velvet with pale blue pinafores and my mother made it possible, and she had the outfits made for the children - the bridesmaids. I wished for it to be a day, that the little girls would always remember. So that when they grew up, they would remember, and do the same for another child.

A special day in the life of the child - the day they became a bridesmaid.

I think we spent more on the children, than we did on the bride, and I bought them each a present that they could wear. I thought it would be a good idea for the children to have dresses, that they could wear after the wedding. So the dress wasn't just for one day, they could wear it again.

Putting the rose water on my face, head and neck last night prior to drifting off to sleep, reminds me of great aunt Rose.

Many years ago while I was in Australia I was meditating with a group of women, and the group were interested in the 'sisters of the rose'. At that time we were told divinely, that the ancient order of the sisters of the rose, would come forth after the new millennium had begun.

And during the Rev 12 timeline, Jesus spoke about how it would begin as it had ended in ancient times.

When I received directions prior to the first mission to Israel in 2006, I was given divine guidance that while I was in Israel, a particular species of roses would be shown to me, and sure enough, when I saw those roses, I knew that I was going in the right direction.

After that I saw the horse that was waiting at the corner of the field, and I knew that it was on!

Afterwards, where I was staying in Northern Israel, the husband shared with me that he used to grow roses for a living. Everything had come together perfectly, in perfect peace. Including the fact that I had been given divine instructions, that I was to wear rose pink for the holy gathering. Rose pink from the tips of my toes upwards - symbolic of the sisters of the rose and love beyond measure.

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