
Saturday 29 August 2015

Lawyers Going Bust

One of Scotland's oldest law firms has gone bust. 'McClure Naismith was founded in Glasgow in 1826, expanded in Edinburgh in 1979, and then into London 12 years later. It has 29 partners and advises in English and Scottish law.'

Maybe we will see a lot more of that due to the cuts in legal aid, the cuts in salaries to the lawyers, and increasing overheads of running a professional practice.

As we know, the legal profession was originally established to defend the poorest and most vulnerable people in society.

That is why the Old Bailey was built.

Maybe the lawyers could establish a charity, whereby rich people can donate to the cost of defending the poor. As I know that a local practice as ceased to help people with property and evictions, since the legal aid cuts.

Do the rich care about those people that are becoming homeless in the UK?

How about the people who are dying due to the cuts in payments received by the disabled?

I must admit most of the lawyers that came into my life and defended me, were absolutely wonderful and as such, I recommended them to others when, and if required.

Makes you think doesn't it, when David Cameron increases the cost of government, while the lawyers are going bust? Excellent lawyers are not in Cameron's best interest are they? As the lawyers can stand against Cameron and the DWP; to defend the poorest of the nation, remember this Zion defends.

Interesting that this has happened in Venus Retrograde, as great aunt Rose, had a Scottish ancestor that was a lawyer. I think Rose and her sister Mary got the Scottish colouring.

People were counselled to not make any life changing decisions during Venus in Retrograde. As people who haven't healed their karmic relationships, will go right back to where they started, to do that cycle all over again. The never ending cycles! 

That also explains why Cameron took a backward step; and increased the cost of government. It indicates that karmic costs are increasing in the UK, and who is paying for it when immigration increased by over 330,000 last year? Is Cameron paying for the increase in costs or does he live rent free at number 10 Downing Street? 

Interesting that Russell Brand made a positive move during Venus Retrograde and chose to stop doing the Trews, left youtube, twitter and Facebook. This indicates that some people are surrendering the past, and moving on from karmic situations, friendships and relationships, and others are going right into that cycle that is determined by VR. 

I've been smelling the roses, and I do like the smell of the roses, I even did some washing today and that's a positive of this holiday weekend. Hopefully we will get some sunshine tomorrow, so that I can do some more. 

So what else are people doing during VR? Having a clean-up. Clearing the decks, and I even made a home for our local hedgehogs. If the rain stops - I can finish it off - and put it outside ready for them to find it before the winter time. So my focus as been on healthy eating, healing waters, oils and essences and enjoying my home of perfect peace. I've been focussing on what is right for me, and my heart, being upright and true, I do like inversion and interesting that came in prior to VR. 

My appetite has been waning the last week, and that is always a message about what's happening planetary wise. So when that happens - this empath has to eat fresh dill, to boost my appetite.

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