
Sunday 30 August 2015


I had a dream and in the dream another person was looking at photographs of me, they looked like  a health professional, and they were comparing a photograph of my body that was taken previously, with a photograph of my body now, and we were discussing the difference in the photographs. In the photographs I was wearing a bikini, like beach pictures. 

I was happy with the photograph of my body now, a better shape, so my body had reshaped and was more shaped. This morning when I was pondering on the dream - I thought about Venus Retrograde because my body had regained a good shape and Venus Retrograde can take love back to a previous state of being. 

In the dream, it was about looking at the body, and while I was looking at the body, I was pleased and happy with my body, due to the fact that it looked more physically fit, and that it had changed. Body beautiful.

In dream interpretation, to look at photographs can forecast a pleasing renewal of an old friendship. Pictures can also indicate minor changes, so in this case, minor changes had actually created a major change to how the body looked. The photograph of the body now looked more healthy, than the photograph that had been taken previously. 

In the dream, the health professional was trying to understand how I got from one state of being to a different state of being, and that was why we were discussing the photographs.

Good health featured in a dream signifies the same for the dreamer. Although there is also scripture that mentions the body. 'For just as each of us had one body with many members, and these members do not have the same function, as in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others'. Romans 12:4-5 NIV That's a very interesting passage when you think about it in terms of DNA, or Soul and Spirit.

'Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace, and be thankful'. Colossians 3:15. Then there is the Isaiah prophecy about the last days of the end times, 'you will keep in peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you'. Isaiah 26:3.   

For there to be photographs there must have been a photographer to take the photographs of the before and after pictures. That's what the photographs were in the dream, before and after pictures of my body. 

The word became flesh.

Its fascinating to me that I was involved in launching inversion therapy in the UK in the 90's and then in 2015, it was brought back into my life for my back. Although as Dr Robert Lockhart explains, it is not just for the back, it gives aid to all of the bodily systems. 

So Venus Retrograde as been positive for yours truly, as the love returned to working on the physical in an amazing way. My Venus is in Pisces, and I have been eating as much fish as possible. Seeds, nuts, fruit, yoghurt etc. Now my dentist would like to see a diary of what I have been eating. 

I found that eggs are very important for the vital body to give it an energy booster. And we are fully aware of how important the vital body is to overall health, as ill-health can first be seen in the vital body prior to it being seen in the physical body. 

In the same way, a baby that would like to come in, can be seen in the auric fields of a woman prior to her conception and pregnancy by people that have the ability to see energy. Advanced healers that work with the energy fields certainly have this ability to see what is going on, and it can also be done remotely for health when remote scanning, or remote viewing. 


Remote viewing was gifted to yours truly, for healing purposes, not military purposes and remote viewing is one of the spiritual gifts. No surprise then that Joseph means 'adding' so what we gain, and what we add when people develop spiritually, is that they gain spiritual gifts on the spiritual journey on the way of holiness. 

Of course those with ADD are spiritually inclined, and this should be taken into account when children start school. In fact, all children should be given a spiritual and holistic education that includes anatomy. Children should also be given what interests the children, not what interests the corporations. Its about meeting the requirements of the children so that they can be healthy, body mind and soul. 

Jesus certainly would've had that ability, to work with the energy fields of people, and the power of love does impact upon you, when he is present in the auric fields of a person. I always know when he's close, because its like a dimmer switch as been turned up, and the heat of love as been turned up, its an incredible shower of love that comes over you. Truly the power of his love is very impressive. Sometimes it can happen prior to or after he speaks to you, and you can hear his voice speaking to you if you are clairaudient. 


Of course there have been times in my life when he has appeared before me in bodily form, and I have seen him with my eyes wide open when he came in Spirit, and those times and our holy connection are treasured memories.

1 comment:

  1. Body of trialthlon found in Kent river. Paul Galihawk
