
Saturday 29 August 2015

Perfect Peace

'You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you' Isaiah 26:3

I once knew a woman of the name of Laura and she did find peace.

So many were given a refuge and a place to just be in the love.

'She gets up while it is still night, she provides food for her family,
and portions for her female servants'. Proverbs 31:15

'She is clothed with strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue'.

The power of laughter.

Peace will be your governor and well-being your ruler.

Healing in the corners.

My son loves to be in his mother's perfect peace.

He brought home a poster from work.

It as the CND symbol, surrounded in flowers,

the words on the poster, 'give peace a chance'.

When my son brought that poster home,

it reminded me of the Son of Joseph,

a man that marched through London to ban the bomb.

The poster that my son gave, sits in a corner of my room where I sit with the computer. Also in that corner of the room, there are two poems on the wall. One of those posters of a poem was on the wall when I knew Laura. If I remember correctly, the poem was in my office. I had put it there for my son who also had a computer in the office - the energy of poetry and writing.

So I am pleased that he eventually returned to English literature and the writing of it. It took a long time, and my son did experience what happened to Jonah. I've had many dream with my son in the dreams, in one of the dreams my ex-husband arrived and gave him a tray of seeds, and he asked to speak with my son. In dream interpretation that has always interested him, seeds indicate new experiences through new opportunities, and those new opportunities were offered to him.

This was another dream that he was in recently, with a well-known Rebbe that passed over. I know that he does not walk alone.

A different poem was given after I had been the instrument of God's peace in a different way, by providing a miracle in health, for the woman that received that poetry. So there is the poster of peace, and poetry in the right hand corner of my room and scripture mentions the walls of salvation.

On the wall on my right are paintings that include feathers, it reminds me of when spreading the paint began in my life in 2012. A whole new journey in perfect peace began in 2012, and it was the end of the world as people have known it. As the old heavens and earth is passing away and all things are being made anew. And it came to be that another health miracle was delivered for another woman, may she live and walk in the peace of it forever.

In my own life, I found it interesting that what was seen in my x-rays changed, and it is proof of the power of healing that has manifested in my life. What was once gone, came back righteously and was recreated. Just like those that received the miracles. The power of the spiritual law is amazing, for what you sow, so shall you reap. My son was given seeds to sow, and so shall he reap in the peace of the being.

I remember in the days and nights of Laura, I wore a white sweater with pink roses upon it, and yesterday I bought some rose water.

Then last night I put the rose water upon my eyes, my face and neck, and it was beautiful, the smell of love beyond measure. The rose water was from India, and in India they sprinkle it for the guests that are arriving at the wedding. So it was then, that rose petals were thrown over the bride on her wedding day, I remember that beautiful day of the wedding in London.

You can bath in the rose water - so soak up the love beyond measure. And it is wonderful to drift off to sleep with the rose water on your face and head. Drifting off into the rose once more. Such a beautiful vibration and frequency.

Interesting that Sophia had a sister with the name of Rose, I knew her as aunt Rose, so the power of the rose as always been in my life. There was an ancient order known as the 'sisters of the rose', and it was shared with us divinely that the 'sisters of the rose' would come forth when the new millennium began.

When I was in America, Michael gave two dozen perfect red roses, each rose was symbolic of a person, and I brought them all the way home to England with me. David who passed over in 2013, was also given a rose, a pink rose like the one that my son gave me in recent days.

The pink rose that was put inside his heart divinely,  so that it could blossom with an incredible fragrance of love beyond measure.

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