
Tuesday 18 August 2015

Ferrari Brain

Its many years ago now when I was first given the spiritual gift of a red Ferrari, and if I remember correctly it had large pink ribbons when it appeared before me.

I laughed with friends on-line at the time about what Spirit had given, and how I responded to it at the time.When it was given, I responded that I couldn't accept it, because it was too expensive.

So afterwards I pondered on why I couldn't accept such a gift. At that time, in my humility, I came to the conclusion that I had more work to do on self, and I asked people to think about their worth. In the end the people in the healing community, all agreed we were priceless.

Now today it has come into the light of day, that people with 'ADHD' are considered to have a 'Ferrari Brain' and that made me laugh again. During my life, I've laughed at myself, and what I considered to be a pea brain, or some might call it a mustard seed.

I laughed at myself due to what I call a 'butterfly brain', due to the gemini in me. My brain flits, like a butterfly. While people are talking to me, I am listening, I already know what is going to be said a few conversations along, thats the combination of gemini and aquarian. Aquarians live in tomorrow, and as Linda Goodman wrote, that's the only place where you can reach them.

So now we're looking at that Ferrari Brain. There is great beauty in a Ferrari brain, especially when it has pink ribbons - such a wonderful present to receive.

In that video the doctor tells you about the 'Ferrari Brain', now what can I tell you about the Ferrari brain? Its a vehicle that likes action, especially compassionate action. Its well-designed, and it really can go at speed - when the engine is turned on of course.

The rest of the time it moves, and it can move people to go WOW! Incredible intelligent design, great Italian styling in everything that it does. The brain doesn't process the same way that other people do, and I've often described it as being a lateral thinker. Although it is a scientific fact, that intelligence comes from the heart.

Very few books can hold your attention for long enough to engage you, you have no interest in reading for the sake of reading. Once you get motoring, life is the fast track, although a gentle country ramble also appeals; because these people love to be in nature. They like music, and films when they can immerse themselves in the beauty of it. They like comedy and laughter, it has also been found that the children like healing and crystals very much.

Once focussed on something specific, nothing can take that focus away, when the focus has creative involvement with the natural talents that are being implemented, with a purpose and or cause that is important to you. The greater the love that you are, the greater the causes that you are given.

In my youth, I had my eye on a little Lotus car, and now some of those Lotus cars, some of them are made from hemp seeds. Good Oil that oil from the hemp seed oil, its great on salads.

There is always something wonderful about having your feet on level ground, and being able to see the beauty in everything. Just like the hymn, all things bright and beautiful. Next time I see Spirit with a Ferrari we are going to have to have a chat! Big smiles.

Jesus did pre-warn me about what had happened and what they had taken, he also said, that he was pleased that I wasn't concerned about it. As there was plenty more coming from whence it came. His exact words were published after they were received and I trusted fully in the divine.

It was discovered that Einstein had a different brain to other people, and a lot of what is called 'ADHD' is found in the Jewish population. It is true that not everyone is the same, as I have mentioned previously, people are wired differently and make different connections.

Some psychologists refer to it as the 'Quistessential Supercomputer'.

I would describe it as doing what matters to you, so a child will focus on what matters to the child, not what matters to its teacher or what they are trying to teach them.

And I found it to be incredibly helpful, and insightful in business, because I was so focussed on what mattered to me. Nothing else mattered, only the focus that I had. Its true, just like in class, some clients thought I was staring into space, as in day dreaming. And children can totally switch off from what parents and teachers are saying, if they either do not wish to hear it, or are not interested in what they have to say.

So it can have an impact on relationships, and also friendships. I remember a male friend used to say to me that heads turn when you walk in the club, and you don't even notice. So its not just about hearing its also about seeing.

As an adult, I was hearing what people had to say, I was just in a totally different space, and state of being, some would describe it as being in your own world. Some things they said would ping out for me, and I would concentrate and focus on that.

Another way of explaining it is that I would narrow down the brief, that they would try to convey, to find the salient points of unique importance. I would find the narrow way into their success and concentrate on that. Another reason why being with creative people was the best environment for me when I was growing up.

In many ways that is what Jesus did and so did the Son of Joseph. Nothing else mattered, or you could say, nothing else mattered more than the focus that was being concentrated upon.

When working with the children - I did the same to elevate the children, the requirements of the child was most important to me, not the requirement of the parents or those that had hired me to help the child. The child came first, what could most help the child in every circumstance.

Some call these children wacky, I used to call myself, Zany, and attributed much of it to my birth chart. As that helped me to understand the self, and the traits that I had been born with.

I recognised the intensity and power of the Ferrari brain much more, when Spirit began working with me intensely. I used to describe it as my Einstein time, being like a professor due to the sheer power of the intensity involved in whatever I did.

However, I find that it is still hard for some people to understand and or accept where I am coming from. As I am so different to most people that I meet, and have been in my life, that in itself can be isolating. Although I am happy when I am focussed, and these days, I am usually focused on the divine plan.

Also interesting that the wife of the musician Sting, also has it, and its wonderful that Trudie is so passionate about the planet, the environment and the rain forests.

I've never felt the requirement to take any pharmaceutical drugs for it, I've had a successful life in many different realities, depending where my focus was. Wherever I went the LORD blessed people through me. Genesis 30:30. Does my son have it ? Yes! 

He was a quiet gentle Aquarian child, and he is like me as an adult, in his peace that gives him well-being. He was fine in his first year at school, it was in his second year at school that the teachers and I really began to notice that there was a learning difficulty. 

This child could not be programmed to fit into what the school was trying to do with the child at that time. So in his third year, he was put into a special group so that he could receive extra help. By the time he left school, he was two years behind his classmates in their assessment of the children. 

However, at eight years old, he excelled in business outside of the house on the pavement. He suddenly felt inspired to take things that didn't matter to him anymore, and offer them to the general public that was passing the house.

My son made £12 pounds that day. I smiled and I said, he is a 'chip off the old block', he 'won't starve in life'. A few weeks ago, he came up to me, and he said, 'Mum, I feel inspired', I said, yea, why? He said, 'We have cranberries'. I replied, yea, and he said, 'I am going to make you cranberry pancakes'. 

So sometimes, I ask parents, do you cook with your children, what do you make with your children? 

I always found cooking therapeutic and relaxing, creative and inspiring. My mother was an inspiring cook, and she did give a lot of attention to food and cooking with her daughter. And I also did the same with my son. I paid attention to the things that he was interested in, and did my utmost to make that matter more than anything else in the world.

As a single parent mum, (and he was planned) I made sure that we had a lot of quality time together. Quality time where he was number 1. That is why I had to go to work full-time, because he was number 1, and I had to be able to provide for him. As my parents had provided for me. The work ethic was always strong, and I also discovered that was also linked into a past life in the Victorian era. 

So I enjoyed the creative working environment and teamwork, in that timeline, I couldn't see myself staying at home all of the time, and I was an active member of the local community socially and in business. 

In the workplace, the dedication and devotion, the focus and concentration on what matters to these young people is paramount to their success. Not only that, but that they are rewarded for all of their effort, and hard work and commitment. If that doesn't happen in the workplace, then their interest can wane dramatically, and their attention can go elsewhere. I was fortunate that when I started work, I worked in small companies with people that loved me, and that was very empowering for a teenager. 

So I was ideally suited to work with these children and their parents, as I had worked with my son in equality, and my son is ideally suited; to work with these children as a teacher that can really connect with their hearts. He knows it from his own experience of it in his childhood and adulthood. 'ADD' also links into the family of Joseph in a profound way. 


You just can't put a price on the power of experience and having lived it through the generations. I understand the Son of Joseph what he did and why he did it. I understand Jesus in the same way, it is to do with our Jewish heritage and spiritual inheritance. 

I did have a traumatic birth and so did my son. I'm sure that also had an impact, as scientists now know that 'stress' and 'trauma' changes DNA.

I didn't feel like Trudie being in a fog, I was the person that was consciously aware that I was hearing a fog horn clairaudeintly, so that the rescue boat with its life boats didn't crash into the cliffs. I was constantly aware that I was different to other people, and I was also aware that I could hear the sound of the gong, and that it was important for healing of the nervous system. 

However, ask me to write an academic paper that would be accepted by academic journals, and that's when my brain would switch off. I could only convey truth in its clarity, in the way that I could convey truth in its clarity, I couldn't convey it in the way that academics liked to receive it, due to being wired differently for divine purpose. I did the best I could, with the utmost attention and purest intention, in the circumstances. And I know that my son, does his utmost to do the same naturally. 

You can ask him 1,000 times to do something, but he will only do it, when he is ready to do it, or when it really matters to him. Its interesting,  that he has had dreams since he was a teenager, and the spiritual book that he used to pick up from my bookcase, was the dream dictionary. I allowed my son to show me what he was interested in, what inspired him. The great-grandson of Joseph also into dream interpretation like his mother. Into cooking like his grand-mother and mother, and both of us were teachers in different realities.

He's a humble soul, a quiet child, he rarely asked for anything, and was appreciative of whatever he had been given. Most of all his mum, mother and child clung together, even before he was born, he mattered to me, more than anything else in the world. Although I was aware how important freedom was to both of us, so I did my utmost to give him as much freedom as possible, to explore his capabilities and natural talents. Always keeping him in my heart, even when we were not together. 

My son did begin to have spiritual experiences in his teenage years, and he did see ectoplasm in our home, he also saw Spirit and received spiritual information. Likewise, my life always had spirituality in it - although it progressed hugely when I began the self-healing journey. The more healing that I did, the more that my divine mission and purpose was revealed to me. To the point of finding out who I am, after I became a twice born. It is also engraved in my hands, to be seen by those that have the eyes of see it. 

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