
Monday 17 August 2015

Five Flights Up!

On the 20th July, 2015, I received a message after the passing of Josh Greenberg. The message was 'Mile High Club', and I posted the music video, 'Frankie Goes to Hollywood'. It was also written, 'So there is a lot more to this case than is currently being shared'.

Then there was this message received last Thursday and the message included the word, 'Saviour'.

The next day I received a dream and it included a woman outside making a fuss, and a party inside.

Now there is another American case in the news to do with an aspiring young actress that was 33 years old, and she had recently completed a film with the title, 'Five Flights Up'. It is written by the Daily Mail reporter that on the 7th July, Miss Hines wrote on her blog. 'My dream has come true and its just beginning. Life can make you want to give up or walk away; sometimes it gives you the strength to appreciate when you do get your happy ending'.

Being the receptionist in the film, enabled her to experience what it was like to be on a film set, and the content of the film would've had an impact. 

That's a big message for those that have the eyes to see it, isn't it?

In America there is a lot of speculation about the numeric of 33. However, 33 is the numeric of SENSITIVITY. Its also about 'friendships, strong magnetic appeal for the public, productive partnerships, emphasis on love and romance, and unconventional sexual attitudes.'

No surprise then that the young woman was linked romantically with Morgan Freeman in the American news media prior to this happening, and the film was about relationship that included Diane Keaton and Morgan Freeman.

It is written that her boyfriend had a checkered history that includes 'drugs', combined with being an aspiring actor and singer himself with the name of 'Lyric'. That then brings forth the dream with the party in it, and the mention of Joey.

The media seem to have found themselves a witness that alleges that her boyfriend was saying words that relate to what can be seen in the bible, apparently, he also said, 'Jesus is Born'. However what else is going on other than words from the bible that they say was cited. Remember this, you require more than one witness in the case of a 'murder' and the police don't count as a witness.

Venus has been Retrograde with Saturn in Scorpio planetary influences, combined with the fact that some African descendants combine an American Christian view, mixed with African roots in 'exorcism'. Some children in America grew up in families like that, and we all remember the film of their parents era. Hollywood as done a lot for the children hasn't it? Scorpio is deep, very, very deep on a spiritual and sexual level. With sexuality and spirituality combined, it has to be pure and coming from pure intention.

As I have explained before, creativity has to be expressed; otherwise the sexual energy can manifest in a different way, to the way it is intended and born to be.

It makes you wonder where Miss Hines met the guy, that had been to university to study English literature. The aspiring rap singer and actor, that is now being psychologically tested. The article from the Daily Mail, mentions that the police suspect that 'cocaine' was involved at the time of the incident. Is it another 'knife crime', or was it staged? Some people are already talking about a conspiracy, and Prophet Isaiah also warned about that, and that not everything is a conspiracy.

However, it got a lot of international publicity for 'knife crime', Morgan Freeman, and the film 'Five Flights Up' didn't it? My view is that the message that Miss Hines posted herself, tells you what has happened.

Anything else? Morgan Freeman appeared in that great movie with Kevin Costner didn't he, when the Muslim helped Robin Hood. And Morgan Freeman is also an Obama supporter, a Liberal Democrat then. Obama that took poor Americans to the point of 'starvation', as per the movie about the people that lived on the land being taxed to the hilt! There is a biblical prophecy about that as well isn't there? And the fact that Americans were given the testimony of warning in advance of Obama taking up office.

No coincidence than that Kevin spoke of 'Taking it Back', and about 'Courage'.

This post is also the 333 post in 2015 in the 'Year of Generous, of Matthew 20:15.

Who wrote about courage and Archangel Michael in the Rev 12 timeline?

The wondrous woman from heaven.

333 the Sophia Wisdom Gateway.

The prayer 'God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and wisdom to know the difference.' Serenity, acceptance, courage and wisdom was indeed given. Not only wisdom, but wisdom with insight! 

What else was prominent in the case of Miss Hines, the numeric of '16' and in the book of Revelation that numeric is to do with the politicians. In numerics the numeric of 16 is also to do with what has been planned in advance. In the major arcane, the tower like the twin towers in New York where they've built many towers with apartments at the cost of $100M. How the rich live! 

The numeric also indicates that information as far as a warning is concerned was given in dream state. The numeric of 16 also speaks of success, happiness, in ways other than 'leadership, fame or celebrity' to decrease the negative impact on the numeric of 16. 

So what does the numeric of 16 tell you, combined with what Miss Hines posted on her blog, as both aspects relate to her happiness and being successful in happiness. Happiness that is more important than any 'fame or celebrity'. Interesting that I once wrote a book that was about being happy, and how that happiness within was found. 

Proverbs 16:16 is also interesting, 'How much better to get wisdom, than gold. To get insight rather than silver'. 

Makes you wonder what they were moving about on the stage coaches around North America, for sure it was more than gold and silver.

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