
Tuesday 18 August 2015

Spiritual Kingdom -v- Iain Duncan Smith Invention

The spiritual kingdom was made before man and so it is that those sent from the spiritual kingdom also make divine intervention. For as the book of Genesis predicted wherever we are sent the LORD blesses those that we are sent to. Genesis 30:30. 

However, not all Jewish people appear to live in the spiritual kingdom, otherwise, they would not be allowing people like Iain Duncan Smith to introduce his inventions. There is a great piece of journalism shared by the BBC today, about the invention of Iain Duncan Smith. Iain Duncan Smith's department of work and pensions as admitted that they 'invented Sarah' and the fact that she supported the cut to her benefits to improve her CV. 

After a Freedom of Information request was made, it was discovered that the woman was not a 'real benefit claimant'. I'm sure that David Cameron and his colleagues find it very amusing, that they can invent people to support their war against the poorest people in the nations of the UK.

The fact of the matter is that the most vulnerable people can have their financial lifeline cut off, from anything between a few weeks to three years, if they don't do what Iain Duncan Smith's department demands of them. You know what the bible says about that don't you?

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