
Wednesday 5 August 2015


Canadians that think they're better than Americans, can think again. 

When you kill the culture of another, you kill the culture of your own. 

One life too many, they played the dice. American genocide. 

It came like a great tide, the Americas began with genocide, 

and they end the way that they began, in their 'pride of genocide'. 

Just like relationships end the way that they began. 

So do cultures and civilisations. 

Economic hitmen, 

Men, women and children. 

Jesus first mentioned the genocide after Benedict was elected. His words were published, shared with the spiritual community at the time and since. However, during the Rev 12 timeline, he had spoken about children prior to that, and how 'People are not a commodity, without love they become so'.

Profound words if you bear in mind what is happening at Planned Parenthood in America. Utter genocide, no other word for it. His words, 'It will be genocide for the church', we see that manifesting on the screens in the Americas, little 'aborted' babies. Their little arms and legs being picked up in a glass dish, I couldn't watch the videos of the American bloodbath anymore, the holy Spirit of my heart couldn't and wouldn't let me.

In 2007, I was compelled to write about cultural genocide and what is happening to Western cultures. I received just one written response to what had been written and distributed around the world by email. That article made an Englishman think deeply about his focus, and I am pleased that it did.

I first met him when he was just a young man, he attended a presentation of the 'Millennium Prophecies' in the 90's in the UK on the galilee of the gentiles, the circuit where many spiritual people and colleagues were speaking and doing their utmost to help humanity. In advance with the pre-warnings and testimony of warning.

People were told to stay away from the coastlines for they will be taken by the sea. Many people shared their dreams about floods, and their experiences of what they know to be true on that day.

It was because I received those prophecies in the 90's, that I seriously considered getting rid of my mortgage, house and debt. All taxes had been paid, enough was enough, a new opportunity had presented itself, and I was compelled to accept it, I was ready for the next mission that resulted in the mission of compassion for children.

This video made me smile today, as when I conceived my son, afterwards I was compelled to buy a baby doll in a moses basket and bring it back from holiday in Spain. Weeks later it was confirmed that I was to have a bundle of joy, and I blossomed during pregnancy.

You see - planned parenthood meant planning to have a child to me, not 'aborting' a child that contributes to genocide and karmic debt. Every soul, as the divine right to have dignity - dignity in pregnancy, dignity in the womb, dignity in delivery, and dignity in living the life outside of the womb.


It was like a divine catapult, like being pushed out of the womb of an ancient tomb. After that I landed in a different country to help those that were brought prior to returning home a year later. It was my very first sabbatical, since I had been sent to work at the tender age of 15.

A year later so much had changed, the cost of living had soared, and to some I had become invisible, after I had seen and spoken to Jesus.

I wasn't the same person anymore, the change in me had been profound, after the long distance travelling. It was the first time that my son and I, had ever travelled so far together. Our lives were never to be the same again, the children had taken prominence. Especially, children that were 'depressed and suicidal'. People that knew me before, couldn't understand why I could be so happy with nothing. They didn't understand that in the nothing, I had everything.

We had been taught how to live out of a suitcase, and at that time, I was told that there would be times when I would be told to go, when that happens, I must go immediately, and that there would only be enough time to pack a suitcase prior to leaving.

In recent days, I have been feeling that divine catapult again, and the catapult always reminds me of the young David, the shepherd boy. So it is that David's Psalm 8 is appropriate for this timeline, for it speaks of the children that are always in my heart. I am not as young physically as I once was, and preparing for what is ahead is not as easy as it once was. However, after decades of helping others across the world, the children come to help now.

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