
Tuesday 4 August 2015

Blowing Minds Away

Its some years ago now when HaShem said that he would blow their minds away. His exact words from 2008, 'It is so profound, it will blow their minds away' and in 2009 I was given a vision of a golden tomb.

This video tells you that Christianity cannot hold them and the reasons why. It also includes the numeric of 15, returning 15 times, 15 steps. He shares the story about the 'misunderstanding' about what someone said, and what that created for the Jewish people in terms of 'suffering'.

Just this week I wrote about a divine catapult and how when you experience it, it is like being pushed out of the womb of an ancient tomb. I have felt it very strongly in recent days. However, as Jesus said, in 2007, 'Christianity was never born, it is still in the womb'. At the time, I did ask Americans if they would 'abort it', and in recent days the undercover operation of what they are doing with those babies at 'Planned Parenthood' is coming into the light of day.

So listen, understand what is being shared, for I do agree that the Christianity of the Church, cannot hold the people, and the prophecies did predict that the old heavens and earth are passing away, but his words will never pass away.

Remember this from the Aramaic translation; HER foundations are on his holy mountain. The LORD loves the gates of Zion more than all of the other dwellings of Jacob. Psalm 87:2. As it is written 'But the LORD shall endure forever; he has prepared his throne for judgement. And he shall judge the world in righteousness and the people in uprightness. The LORD will also be a refuge for the poor, a refuge in times of trouble. And they that know thy name shall put their trust in thee; for thou have not forsaken them that seek thee, O LORD Psalm 9:7-10. 

The scripture tells you that he prepared his throne for judgement to be delivered; and in the book of Revelation when the woman fled into the wilderness, a place had been prepared for her by God, where she was taken care of. Rev 12:6. The Rev 12 timeline came to an end in 2008 prior to the first blog being created. It was then that I was told that we were moving into a higher gear.

Funny that in 2007 when I was sent to Israel for the second time, I was divinely instructed to wear gold. Although I also wore a gold skirt to the wedding on the Galilee in 2006. This link is about the gold and the numeric of 15.

No coincidence then that Isaiah chapter 60 mentions the gold. 'Instead of bronze I will bring you gold, and silver in place of iron. Instead of wood, I will bring you bronze, and iron instead of stones. I will make peace your governor and peace you ruler'. 60:17 

During my life, my mother gave me some bronze dolphins, after that a golden skirt came into my life and a golden sweater. I was given some of mum's gold, and some that I had bought for her during her lifetime. The same with the silver. A student - a client, also gifted a golden outfit that is mentioned in the biblical prophecies.

I was most touched and moved when she was so determined that I should have something that she had bought for herself. Especially has I hadn't shared with her that I had been instructed to wear gold, for the next divine intervention in Israel.

It was great confirmation of what I already knew to be true; and that it had been divinely blessed for an important reason and purpose. I never asked why I had to wear gold, or why it was important, I just had total trust in the divine instruction and followed through with divine will. Clearly, the Israeli's knew its significance; and I did send them the photograph that had been taken by a tourist that was in the same place at the same time.

In response to the 'Big Breakthrough' video, this is my response. Children have 'needs' and 'wants', Adults that are spiritually and emotionally mature, have healed their 'inner child'. That is why his Son, said that you have to become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven. Spiritually mature people come from their hearts of essentials. 

The ascent begins with the child, the serious in-depth healing begins with the child. Another reason why circumcision must be banned. We know scientifically, that 'stress' and 'trauma' changes DNA. Of course mature healers have always known that, and even the scripture tells you not to cut the flesh. Remember this that which you do impacts on the next 3-4 generations. 

It is factual to say - that cutting the flesh in childhood, is also a co-creator of allergies and skin diseases proven by science. Interesting that the article about it just happened to be published in New Scientist; that I had bought to read on my flight to Israel in May 2006.

HaShem and the divine intervention, perfectly arranged for his purpose. 

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