
Thursday 6 August 2015


In Proverbs 15, it mentions the boundary stones that are put in place for the widow and how the light in a messenger's eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.

That was an interesting timeline, and I can view it in different ways, as my mother had slabs of stones placed around where she lived. So I can view the words to do with a timeline on a family level. On another level I can view it in term of the boundaries of the female elders. As well as the timeline for humanity to think about the boundaries in terms of healing, and its corrections that give life.

The proverb also speaks of gracious words being pure in his sight. How he hears the prayer of the righteous and the life-giving correction. How humility comes before honour, it certainly did.

Proverbs 15 explains how he tore down one house and it was due to being 'proud'. My mother was known as 'house proud', so all of the interior was taken down and she was moved away from London after the Son of Joseph passed over.

She then moved into her country retreat and it was there that the boundary stones were put all around her. It was there that she lived for the rest of her life. She was happy in the country and her garden, surrounded with family and friends, she loved having her grandson spend time with her in that location.

So what was the life-correction in this context? 'Don't be house-proud'. Her daughter wasn't like her mother was, as she enabled her to be a free Spirit. A free Spirit that could not be contained or restrained. I was made differently for the purpose of HaShem.

The mother saw how her daughter had the light in her eyes and joy was brought to her heart. She liked to receive the good news that gave health to her bones. She saw how her daughter worked in health and healing, and she did come to one of the exhibitions on the galilee of the gentiles when I was on the circuit.

My mother got much more interested in complimentary medicine after that, flower essences, healing oils, and healing foods. After she passed over I found all sorts of things that she had collected from books, to crystals and even tarot and intuitive cards. I found flower essences, and aromatherapy oils, she left many messages for me, that she had got the message that her daughter had delivered to her about healing and health.

A retreat - her refuge was very small in the corner away from the world, I am sure that she must have thought deeply about the life giving correction that she accepted willingly. As she had plenty of time to do so, and reflect upon life and the difference between her life and the life of her daughter.

She saw how in her daughters humility, she was honoured before she passed over. Then after she passed over she came and knelt before me in a pair of beige shorts and a clean white tee-shirt. She came wearing no make-up and that was rare to see during her lifetime. She was showing me that she had received the life-correction and that she was in awe of the light of love in front of her.

At the time I was on the computer, and I turned to her and hugged her, and together we melted into unconditional love. It really touched my heart and moved me, that she finally understood that it was all about unconditional love and doing it all for love.

Like the 15th of Ave, her life unfolded like the words that unfold. How she met the Son of Joseph when she was dancing and how they danced through life together. How we loved her - even though we knew that she was 'house proud'.

I've been thinking about what her husband went through towards the end of his life, I can understand his lack of motivation due to what others had done to him. All those people that he had helped during his life, all those people that turned on him.

When mum was taken out of London, she was given life to live, and I had been taken out of London after I had married, how it was a blessing in disguise. To live in the country and be given new life, my son was born and he brought great joy to the widow's heart. As one life was being prepared to leave, new life arrived to give her joy.

In the joy of the child, she had a reason for being and a reason to live life; and she knew that he loved her so much, I have wonderful photographs that she took of him, they had such a fun time together. He made her laugh and that was wonderful medicine for her during the bereavement, she was not alone, love was poured out upon her, so that she could and would live new life, in a different way to before.

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