
Sunday 5 July 2015

Sows to the Spirit - Divine Nature

The divine nature is a healer, the divine nature is a giver. 'The one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life'. Ga 6:8. "For by these he has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the 'corruption' that is in the world by lust".

Scripture tells you that if you sow to the Spirit - you reap from the Spirit - and I can testify that is certainly true. As Jesus shared with Nicodemus he was born again of the Spirit, he was and is a twice born, and so am I. Becoming a twice born did not come from baptism - it came after the sowing of the Spirit - and reaping from the Spirit. 

When people begin to have health issues they often turn to spiritual people for help, and many healers are found in the spiritual community. Many people that were given became healers - just as Jesus the healer worked with and works with his spiritual community as promised. Where two healers are together in his name, his Spirit is with us in the healing. What the Reiki healers are doing are sowing to the Spirit, and in so doing, they do reap from the Spirit. 

What the healers are doing are communing with the Spirit, to raise up the Spirit of the person, so that they too - can sow to the spirit. The greatest blessing that you can give to a child, is to give them healing in equality - exalting their Spirit. When the soul is in the hands of the healer - a lot happens with the Spirit, where the Spirit is being sowed. Remember this that one of the most important aspects of the divine nature, is that you divine nature is a healer, your divine nature is a giver, your true nature is divine. 'Freedom of the glory of the children of God'. Ro 8:21 

'Divine love is the food that feeds the soul'. Sacred Words delivered by yours truly. 

So when a child is brought to me or a person is brought for healing, I rejoice. Psalm 122 - as it means that another soul and its Spirit is being lifted up.

So for instance, when my holy Spirit was giving the intention of divine love in the pomegranate that I juiced and drank. The pomegranate fruit that was given to me by parents as a child, and again before I left Israel in 2007. The fruit was given by an Israeli from Yemen.

In response the Spirit of the heavenly Father responded - and spoke of the 'Bergamot'. I sowed to the Spirit and I reaped from the Spirit.

Every solution to that which 'ails' humanity - is a spiritual solution - not an 'institution'. The Aga Khan said that everything requires an 'institution', this holy Spirit does not agree with the Aga Khan. The divine healers do not wear red burkas as the Catholic Church has installed on the altar in Chicago. The wondrous woman from heaven with the moon under her feet - did not wear a burka, nor is the wondrous woman from heaven going to support the 'Fatima Empire'. Rev 12 was completed in December 2008, so said the Son of God.

Divine healers know that - and in so doing we continue - being noble in holiness. For our trust is divine - and the divine trust in us - with trustful loyalty and mercy and compassionate action for the merciful. For those that were merciful shall receive mercy - as it is written and recorded for all time.

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