
Monday 6 July 2015

Greece Celebrates

Greece celebrates their victory day - mercy said, no! 

And Europeans celebrate with you in our hearts of divine joy! 

The golden age began in 2003. 

Greece received a booster and God's blessing in 2010.

Greece kissed wisdom and the meditation of the heart was given. 

It was onwards and upwards after that. 

The WISDOM Gateway was opened up righteously.


Divine intervention. 

Victory Day today, oh yes, mercy said no to Merkel! 

We celebrate with you Greece and hold you all in our hearts. 

Well done Alexis - go forward with the support of the people.

Sow to the Spirit of your people with wisdom.

I rejoice in you Greece.

Glory be to God.

Thank you.

Love beyond measure.

Love liberates those that require liberation.

The LORD said, 'Divine counsel was given'. 

Indeed it was in 2010 to Greece - he said, 'EZRA'

and it means 'God helps'.

 This was the pivotal turning point for Greece.


'Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy' Matthew 5:7

'This is what the LORD Almighty said,
'Administer true justice, show mercy and compassion to one another'. Zechariah 7:9

These days are being shortened for the sake of the elect.

And to the Sons of Light, thank you for listening and doing immediately.

For those that fed me and put a roof over my head.

For HE that massaged my feet, and accepted healing with wisdom's corrections.

To HE that kissed wisdom and received the meditation of the heart with great joy!

To those that received the articles that had been written about the last days.

Congratulations - you passed with flying colours.

1 comment:

  1. Isaiah 24:12-14New International Version (NIV)

    12 The city is left in ruins,
    its gate is battered to pieces.
    13 So will it be on the earth
    and among the nations,
    as when an olive tree is beaten,
    or as when gleanings are left after the grape harvest.
    14 They raise their voices, they shout for joy;
    from the west they acclaim the LORD’s majesty.

    I suggested that we give Merkel a herd of goats, some olives and some feta cheese.
