
Sunday 5 July 2015


On Friday the heavenly Father spoke of 'Shul' and it is a yiddish word. It is a German word and it means 'School'.

My son is training in a school, last weekend I met a school teacher and the head of a school. And a friend is talking about starting a community school. So a lot is happening with school. It can also be spelt 'Schule'.

In 2006, a person had a dream about Lisbon in Portugal. The events that followed the dream include the 'Shul'. Interesting that it was in 2006, that I was first sent to Israel.

This is what they wrote about the dream: 'I had a dream that I am in Portugal and it was overflowing with rainwater. In the dream, I ran into a lighthouse to save myself from drowning. I saw other women inside and told them to come further up with me'.

In my experience of 'drowning' it usually relates to a past life situation,  and it is more than possible that the person that had that dream, had a past life in Lisbon, in Portugal when the rain came down. The land was overflowing with water, and water is symbolic of the divine feminine energy. The dream featured a 'lighthouse' and as we know light houses exist to help the boats and the people that are upon those boats.

The fact that the dream included women and water - just further confirms that the dream is about the feminine. The women were asked to go further up in the lighthouse - to go beyond the rise in the water. This dream does indicate that the waters will rise in Portugal, and that people will have to be high above sea level if they are to be saved.

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