
Tuesday 14 July 2015

Planned Parenthood and Body Parts

First let me say that I am pro-life, although I am aware that in rare cases 'abortion' is necessary and I am also aware that in some cases 'abortion' is forced upon the mother.

Remember in Victorian times they put the mother and baby in the workhouses. Some of those children were also given to wealthy families - when a woman was 'infertile' and the parents brought the child up as their own.

How far as humanity come since Victorian days? In this video that was recorded in America, it tells you that 'abortion' clinics known as 'Planned Parenting' are actively involved in 'selling aborted body parts' and the the doctor at the lunch - even shares how popular the livers are.

I am sure that people that love babies will be totally alarmed by this 'conspiracy against the unborn' child' and its mother's flesh and blood. Remember this that some sow to the Spirit and some sow to the flesh - and they reap what they have sown.

The eager Liberal 'abortionists', now you know why they are so eager and not cautious about decisions that pregnant mothers make. How do the women that gave their baby to those 'abortionists' in America feel now?

I was truly alarmed when I first read about stem research. What is happening in America and maybe in other countries, is inevitable when scientists start thinking that they can change the nature of creation in the flesh of another.

First the scientists did it with the crops - the animals, and now they're doing it with people. Have you ever read the book 'Hearts Code' by Doctor Paul Pearsall that shared how transplants impact on the person that receives that organ transplant?

In 2003, the head of nursing of a county in the UK attended one of my training modules commissioned by Sure Start.

The nurse was able to accept what had been presented to her and other education and health workers, on the impact of organ transplants. However, during lunch, she admitted that she found it very hard to take the next step to blood transfusions. Was that due to the sheer amount of blood transfusions that are done in the medical profession? DNA being transported from person to person with all of its consequences?

Breitbart have provided an article on this case with the babies and what is happening in America.

'In the context of selling aborted fetal tissue, Dr. Deborah Nucatola is seen and heard discussing her ongoing relationship with a company called StemExpress that works as the middleman between Planned Parenthood affiliates and research institutes that use the body parts in scientific experimentation.
The video, provided by the pro-life group Center for Medical Progress, purports to show an actual online order form from StemExpress where buyers can order the parts they want and the age of gestation. The pull down menu shows “brain, heart, heart (veins and arteries attached), lungs, liver, liver and thymus, spleen, large intestine” and so on. The order form allows the buyer to choose the gestational age of the baby to be aborted from four weeks upward.
StemExpress is a five-year old privately held for-profit business located in Placerville, California that describes itself as “a multi-million dollar company that supplies human blood, tissue products, primary cells and other clinical specimens to biomedical researchers.” The company says it “offers the largest variety of raw material in the industry, as well as fresh, fixed and cryopreserved human primary cells.”

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