
Tuesday 14 July 2015

Children Disappearing UK

On the 4th of July it was shared with you that Hashem had spoken of 'SHUL'.

Today there is news that children in Birmingham, and Tower Hamlets in east London are disappearing from school registers. Of course, the Department for Education is very concerned about that has happened to these children and where they've gone.

The Ofsted chief also warned that there was what he called a 'lack of robustness in identifying why pupils had been taken off school registers or their next destination - making it difficult to know if they could be at risk from 'extremist ideologies'. In some cases, he said, there were 'generic' descriptions, such as 'move abroad', or 'gone to live with grandparents' or in one case, 'gone back to Libya'. There are also pupils who are thought to have been moved to unregistered schools, said the BBC report.

In my experience with friendly Muslims, I do know of a case whereby a divorcee sent her son to live with his grandmother in Pakistan, and he returned to the UK when he was older. The last time that I spoke to her - he was being prepared for university in the UK.

In the cases of some of the English-Egyptian children, when their dads split with their English mum, they did take the children back to Egypt, and one man did a midnight flit. In as much as, he left with the children very quickly indeed. So there can be many different reasons why the children are disappearing from the school registers; in areas where there is a large Islamic population.

Some people are also aware that the tensions in the inner cities is increasing over immigration, and there is not enough jobs for everyone. Why stay in the UK -  if your country of origin is prospering more than the UK? Of course, the cut in welfare could also be having an impact on Muslims, and the disappearing of children from the school register. As some people cannot afford to live in the UK without it.

Remember there has been vast cuts, the 'bedroom tax', as well as, an increase in immigration from other European countries. As such, the pressure on the Islamic communities is much higher than it has ever been before. As the indigenous people of the UK - and the rest of Europe has risen up against Islam and its ideologies - in defence of their cultures.

The Archangel Gabriel timeline began in 2005.

Love did not remain hidden, the future of the children from this nation as been defended in purest intention - with the utmost attention. We do not support a 'Fatima Empire' or the Aga Khan and his 'Cosmopolitan ideology'; with an 'institution' for everything to further the Islamic cause.

Prophecy predicted that Islam would be driven back to whence it came - and all the way back to Saudi Arabia. Maybe the UK is beginning to see the start of that happening.

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