
Tuesday 14 July 2015


Portuguese authors have carried out extensive research into what transpired at Fatima, and they wrote a book about their findings. When the authors of 'Heavenly Lights', contacted me over a decade ago. I agreed with the authors and confirmed for them; that in my humble divine experience of Mother Mary, what happened at Fatima was someone or something else. Those that truly know Mother Mary, know her words, how she communicates, and what she speaks about.

There are clues in this video below that shares some of the information. The rain came - and the rain being stopped - is mostly connected with the Spirit of Elijah. So for instance in California, they are having a drought for the 4th year. In 2014, Israel experienced what the Jerusalem Post journalist wrote as - an 'unprecedented drought' in the history of water records since the rebuilding of Israel began. 

The children said that they had be given 'Permission' to share what they had been told. And ensuring that a person has permission is known by serious spiritual people. So we are talking about a serious spiritual reality that happened in Portugal with the children. So for instance, when I was told who I was - I was also told not to tell anyone, until I was told to do so. After I was given permission and told to do so divinely, then the unveiling began. 

It mentions an Angel with a flaming sword in its right hand, and that is mostly associated with Archangel Michael that the wondrous woman from heaven was working with during the Rev 12 timeline. In December 2008, Jesus said Rev 12 had been completed - he asked me to read it and Micah 4. Micah 4 mentions the mission to the USA and my return from the mission in that country in 2008. 

He also spoke of the end being nigh, and that we were moving into a higher gear. Within days the new blog was created to share the unveiling of many prophecies, visions, messages and discoveries. 

Two angels with a crystal and the words of the Virgin are also mentioned in the video below. Its no coincidence that friends that were involved in crystals on the circuit of the galilee of the gentiles when we were touring together, are now living in Portugal. I used to get my crystal hearts from that couple - to give as gifts to my students. Those that were brought to be trained by this teacher were given my happy heart. 

The two angels with the crystals also recommended yours truly to their clients who asked for help and assistance, as they knew who could be trusted on the circuit when people asked them for advice. 

They knew that I could hold souls gently in my healing hands with divine counsel. And that I would only give what was permitted to give, for in each case and with each client, there has to be permission given by the Spirit. 

The video mentions the specific prophecy that was given for Portugal and in January 2015, Portugal declared that it is to grant citizenship to descendants of 'persecuted Jews'. Their ancestors expelled in the 15th century, can now apply for dual nationality, if they once lived on the Iberian peninsula.

And just this month, the LORD spoke of 'SHUL', and that then led to Portugal again. 

In the video he also mentions how a woman also appeared in Japan, and we all know what happened to Japan with the tsunami. Is it a coincidence that I have family that are living in Japan - and that there is a biblical prophecy that includes them? In 2010, they also received advanced warning, and they were asked when are you leaving Japan? As you are aware of what the prophecies say about Japan in this timeline.

'For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews, on behalf of God's truth. So that the promises made to the patriachs might be confirmed'. Romans 15:8

As God said, 'To HE that understands the promise, there is no secret'.

In 2017, it will be the 100th anniversary of what happened in Portugal.

God willing,  I shall obtain a copy of the Portuguese authors research that was published, I shall examine their evidence and what they shared.

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