
Wednesday 15 July 2015

Temple of the King

Last night I saw the king of rainbows again, and the night before a woman came and thanked me for everything that I had done to help a community of people on the internet in a specific location.

As I shared - it was in 2005 that Archangel Michael began working with the new teachers of ecological self-sustainability. And the wondrous woman from heaven had a wonderful time delivering the word when he and I were working together as Rev 12 predicted prior to that.

It was during the Rev 12 timeline that the authors from Portugal contacted me about the Fatima event - and to share with me about their research and book called, 'Heavenly Lights'. When they came to my forum at Angels Healing Trust, I did agree with the authors that in my extensive experience with the holy mother, as far as I was concerned what happened at Fatima wasn't what the Church had conveyed that it was.

The Catholic church are now very concerned about what is going to happen to it - as more and more revelations are coming into the light of day in respect of the last days of the end times. How the 'old order' is passing away and how everything will be made anew. These days are being shortened for the sake of the spiritually elect and it is divine providence - divine intervention for the Sons of Light.

As Jesus said in 2007, 'Christianity was never born, it is still in the womb' and David knew that what I had shared with him - and many other people around the world was the truth. May he rest in peace as I know how passionate he was about the ecological aspects of the planet - and doing the right thing divinely. He was honoured as our team leader in the UK of ecological self-sustainability. Recently I had a dream of my mother being photographed with loads of elderly people and she was so happy and joyful.

Heaven and earth is my witness.

The logo that my son designed with a beautiful flash website over a decade ago. He is fully aware of the importance of living ecologically and self-sustainably. Although when he tried to work in that field - there were no appropriate building training courses for him at college.

So he is now training to become a teacher, for sure he has the rainbow in his heart - and has always trusted in the divine due to his own experiences of it. He loves his mother and does his best to care for yours truly, during this period of recovery and repose prior to the next mission and engagement with God. He has always been very supportive of the missions for God, supportive of his mother and this sacred union with the divine.

When Archangel Gabriel took the side of the holy mother in 2005, it indicated that the next wave of clairvoyant healers were going to be trained and the prophecies that Gabriel gave in ancient times was being lived by David and the prophets. Gabriel vision and prophecy written in stone.

In January 2006, Archangel Gabriel said, 'Man likes to eat meat every day, and you are perceived as a goose'. Goose is a specialist in the UK, and prior to Turkey arriving in the UK, those that could afford it - had goose for Christmas. After Gabriel gave those words, I was sent to Israel later than year, and was honoured to stay with a Gabriel healer and his beautiful wife that is also a healer, and amazing artist. The following Christmas a friend cooked goose for yours truly, so shall we give everyone a goose for Christmas in 2015?

The timeline of the first missions to Israel by yours truly - and Melchizedek was an empowering force for goodness at the star gate opening in 2006 in northern Israel. We did as we had been divinely instructed to do - oranges and lemons and a lot more besides.

While I was in Israel he gave the message while I was staying with some lovely Israeli's, 'House of Palms'. It was only afterwards that they shared with me that they had indeed planted palm trees at a different location - where they were building a facility for birthing children in water. How wonderful that would be to give birth to a child in the hands of a midwife - that is also a qualified Reiki Master Teacher.

In 2007, was the second mission to Israel to deliver the everlasting covenant for the children and to embed it in Jerusalem. After that, 2008, the mission to the USA as indicated in Micah 4. 

Rev 12 overlaps with Micah 4 as Jesus spoke of it in December 2008, when he shared that the time was nigh and that we were moving into a higher gear. He said that Rev 12 had come to completion.

The first blog came to be after he delivered instructions. The thanking for the work that has been done on the internet in that location, combined with seeing the king of rainbows indicates our mission with so many on the internet in that location has come to completion. Completion of truth exists and Wisdom was proven correct as Jesus had predicted. 'This calls for wisdom and insight', 'This calls for a mind of wisdom', 'HER wisdom will be proven right'. 

As the proverbs predicted - the one who gets wisdom loves life and the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper - I have rejoiced, this year in the year of generous of 2015, Psalm 122 as ordained to do so.

I received some good news yesterday, a few months ago, I painted a mandala for my godson, and after that he was offered a new job, he has completed his training - and his life has completely turned around this year. I knew in my heart that everything would turn out for the best for my godson. 

Glory be to God


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