
Monday 13 July 2015

Equality and Human Rights for Mystics

Following up from the hedgehog post and the two hedgehogs that came to my door last night.

Let's pursue this matter further. Where is the equality and human rights for the mystics that are recluses and anchors for the light of divine love? It is clear that if a mystic that is inside the Church, fed, clothed and financed by the Church under its protection, then you are honoured.

However, if the work of the LORD sends an anchor of his light, his advocate against Rome, may God help you. Do you know what his Son said about Benedict when he was elected? He said that it would be 'Genocide for the Church'. Why is that? Where is the equality and human rights for all of the mystics of the world?

Where is the habitat of the hedgehogs once the property developers have built on farmland and taken their natural habitat of the hedges? Hedgehogs are in decline in the UK, due to housebuilding, how many ecologists will admit to that? Hedgehogs are an important creation in the eco-system - yet what did Rome and the Jewish Romani's have to say about that, as they ate them!

Gay marriage has been approved by secular societies, yet who else do they care fully for? What about the sacred union with the divine - and our true connection and relationship with God the Father, and his Son? What psychologists understand the mystics, how much work have they done with anchors of the light? Ask them and see what response you get, silence.Who could understand and appreciate David who was like a hedgehog behind me? Although Michelangelo gave us both legs of elephants as he knew that the elephant as right of way, and it is the animal with the most spiritual wisdom.


This is the Jesse fresco prior to the refurbishment. 

They are silent before me, for how many can stand before the light of integrity, faithfulness and trustful loyalty to the divine? Seriously, how many can stand in integrity before that which was truly ordained by God? The Dead Sea Scrolls predicted that it would be one in a thousand that could do so.

So to what did you sow? Did you sow to the Spirit or did you sow to the flesh? For the Church shall reap what it has sown, and as ancient prophecy predicted, it will manifest in their laps. The deeds of the fathers impact on the next 3-4 generations. My grandmother Sophia, and my mother Lily, were both clairvoyant and they saw many things that would come to pass.

My mother took me to the Spiritualist Church to show me a different reality to the traditional Church, she was a Sunday school teacher that was well versed in the bible, although she never discussed it, or mentioned it. In fact, my parents were amazed when I asked for a bible when I was just eight years old. You see if a child is led to have a copy of something, they will ask for it. I still have that leather bound bible that I was given for my eight birthday, signed by my mother and dated.

During the most part of my life, I did not read the bible, although I liked the pictures, the illustrations in it. It wasn't until after the 21st century began, after 9/11 that I was thrown into the scriptures for divine purpose; with an intensity that mystics experience in their divine lives. I found many realities that I could see manifesting in events around the world, I could also see that my own life experience, divine and otherwise, was documented, recorded, and included in many prophecies, in many texts.

It took a long time to integrate what I had discovered, the confirmations, and to reveal the divine plan as it unfolded before me, it was cross-referenced with real divine communion that had been received prior to reading it. That is just a little bit of history - and history was made divinely in this case.

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