
Monday 13 July 2015

ELIJAH Stops the Rain!

Its a biblical fact that ELIJAH stopped the rain and a warning was given again in Amos 4:4. 'I also withheld rain from you when the harvest was still months away'. 'I'm a servant of the living LORD, the God of Israel. And I swear in his name that it won't rain until I say so. There won't even be any dew on the ground'. 1 Kings 17.

In 2014, Israel experienced an 'unprecedented drought' and it was written by the Jerusalem Post that the conditions were 'so extreme that such conditions this time of year have never been documented, according to the Water Authority.

Have you seen what is happening at the Dead Sea in Israel?

The drought in California is also in its fourth year and I did ask the Americans, what will you do if it doesn't rain for 200 years? California scientists are hoping for an EL Nino event.

Have you seen beaches disappear before your very eyes? Check out what happened in Australia, as it was forewarned what would happen decades in advance. 'Stay away from the coastlines, as they will be taken by the sea'.

A message from the LORD, 'For Surely as I Stand'.

Glory be to God for he has done mighty things.

What happened at the Mount of Olives, do you remember?

What about the prophecy about the Islands?

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