
Monday 13 July 2015

Black Cabbies -v- Uber Corporation

Sometimes your eyes pop out at what's happening in London if you grew up in London, as I did. 

Our black cabbies are now faced with the Uber Corporation. Seriously, we have to have a black mayor of London and get rid of Boris Johnson. 

A black mayor to defend our wonderful cabbies, and the history of London,. Come on David Lammy, London is ready for justice to be done. Our cabbies require your skills of being a barrister to defend their human rights against the corporations. 

Hey, do you think Uber have got involved in Greece, as the cab drivers were on strike in Athens. Check them out, the American company has got involved all over the world and the price of taxies is surging as that is what their system is based upon. Surging prices with unqualified taxi drivers. 

Can you get your heart around this and our people? 

American corporations are after our historical culture at the expense of our people and its culture.

Seriously, enough is enough, I am not up for any American corporations in the UK. The American corporations with their economic hitmen, shall leave our country or pay the consequences for not doing so. Just check out the history and facts about the American corporation and the reasons why, I do not - and never would support such an American corporation operating in the UK.

People are arising up all over the world over uber and quite right they are to do so. We've seen what American corporations have co-created in the USA, and we are not up for it happening to our countries. We have culture and history that shall be maintained and sustained by those that love it! And our black cabbies love it, so does Russell Brand. 

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