
Tuesday 28 July 2015

DAVITA Message

Yesterday I was given the divine message; 'Davita' and apparently it means 'He/She is Life'.

However, there is more than one reality and meaning when we look at the word DaVita.

It is the name of another American corporation that is stretching out across the world as far afield as India - and the corporation specialises in kidney care. Kidneys are about the 'Shen of Life' so what do we find about life in India?

We find that women 'strangle' their female babies - does India have any idea how that impacts on the shen of life?  One woman 'strangled' eight female babies because male babies are more financially lucrative to Indians. In China we find women forced to have 'abortions' and women can only have a baby if she is given a license to have a baby.

We find in the USA, tissue and organs of babies that have been 'aborted' have become a commodity.


"People are not a commodity without love they become so" from Sacred Words

What about the 'gendercide' that is happening in India and China? 200 million female babies gone!

So then after that - there is child 'trafficking' of child brides; due to communities not having enough women to marry their men! The deeds of the fathers impact on the next 3-4 generations. 

If you look at the DaVita corporation's profile, you will see what it has been involved in Denver, USA. It was found that they paid doctors to bring them patients and offered the doctors lubricative financial contracts and partnerships. 

Has 'abortion' and health in the medical profession become a money-making machine? It certainly looks like it, what else? A former employee of DaVita became a whistleblower on the activities of the DaVita corporation and they were brought before the court. There have been various lawsuits filed against DaVita. See the link provided. 

When I looked at the health of a woman that had a serious breathing condition in the UK, it took us to the shen of life, and the fact that she wasn't allowing new life to come in. A miracle manifested with the breathing condition over a decade ago, and her lungs returned to normal. She gave a signed testimony of what happened to her - and her lungs at that time, and I've kept a copy of it in my legal file. 

However, the last time I spoke to her in 2015, she shared that she has recently had a kidney operation in the UK, and she feels great again. Like she has been given new life again. I responded to her, 'Why didn't you call me, we could have avoided an operation?'. 


If a nation kills babies there are repercussions in the spiritual law, not only for the individual but also for the nation. I am aware that in rare circumstances that it is necessary. However, 'abortion' is now moved into a totally different reality of becoming a commodity. Will babies be on the stock markets next, the baby factory? How does it make a compassionate and merciful mother feel when she sees the facts of such things happening in the nations?

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