
Tuesday 28 July 2015


As we know prior to Obama being put in office for the second time, Louis Farrakhan went on air and told Obama to think about his future in Africa. No coincidence then that Obama as just visited Kenya and Ethiopia.

However, Egypt is awake to Obama and the American corporations. The Egyptian women said, 'Shut your mouth Obama'. So will the chief that took the money from the American people be safe anywhere? Would he be safe in Africa without the American protection?

How about Michelle who told Islamic children that they will be the next leaders in the UK.

Someone better tell Michelle that Muslim children have been found to be leaving the UK education register in large numbers. The prophecies predicted that people would be called back to their countries of origin, so what of Africa, what is happening in Africa?

This documentary explains the 'new scramble for Africa' and its natural resources.

So hope for who Africa? Hope for Africans or hope for Obama and the corporations?

Published on Jul 27, 2014

'Described by many as the ‘new scramble for Africa', the US, China and other nations are attempting to consolidate their grip on Africa's natural resources and its growing consumer class. Empire travels to Kenya, France and the USA to examine who is gaining, who is losing and what it means to Africans.'

Coming home to Africa

'Slavery' is not just a black issue, on the streets of Athens there are oriental children selling Chinese goods that arrive in container loads. China that forces women to have 'abortions' and only allows women to have one child. America that has been involved in 'Planned Parenting' and the selling of the body parts of the 'aborted' child. Child trafficking in both China and India due to 200 million female babies either being 'strangled' or 'aborted'. Then child brides have to be found from other communities due to the gendercide to marry the men that don't have enough women in their communities. Enough is really enough! 

Contraceptive devices were sold to 3rd countries - products that had been banned in the USA.  Devices that are the co-creators of 'cancer' in the womb and cervix. Do not put metals inside your body. Do not let them crown your teeth. Do not let them put metal in your mouths.

Do not let the corporations take your natural resources, live naturally as you were born to be. Build ecological homes and fish farms to help feed your people. A lovely female farmer in Africa, its good to see Africans returning.

Published on May 5, 2014 "Caleb Karuga sacrificed his fame on TV and worked out an exit plan from his reporter''s job last year, leased a one acre plot and today he is headed to be a millionaire"

An experienced female farmer of red onions in Kenya.

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