
Tuesday 28 July 2015

Sandra Bland and Chewing Gum?

Following on from the message 'Johnny Come Lately' that is also a name of an American song and phrase.

A person in social media has posted that they were given a dream two days ago with the name 'Juan Fuca' and the numeric of 15.

Juan is also a different translation of John and there have been a swarm of earthquakes off the Oregon Coast due to recent underwater volcanic activity.

The name 'Juan' is translated as meaning 'The Lord is Gracious', Yohanan. A common name in Spain. In Chinese Mandarin it means, 'beautiful, graceful' and in China it is a feminine name. Wiki Source link also links the name with with 'scroll', 'chapter', or 'volume'. The different aspects of that name, take us to the book of Revelation. 

In the OT, God is gracious and merciful. Nehemiah 9:31. Psalm 86:15 Psalm 103:8. Psalm 111:4. Psalm 112.4. 'Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous. 

While I was responding to the person that had the dream about 'Juan Fuca', I was given a powerful fragrance, the smell of chewing gum. A medicinal chewing gum. I asked the receiver of the dream can you take this message about the gum? I can't remember the name of it and it has a very powerful fragrance. 

Then suddenly the great power of love of the heat of Jesus surrounded me. So I continued in his power of love. I looked to see if there was anything on chewing gum, and I found an Arab link to a book that mentions how gum was used for bone fractures. The most recent case where fractures were mentioned was in the Sandra Bland case, did she chew this type of gum?

So I carried on, and then I found an article to do with the Sandra Bland case that mentions 'Chewing Gum'. The article says, 'Watch the video again. This time replace the woman with a 12 year old girl. Replace the lit cigarette with chewing gum. Replace the car with a desk and replace the state trooper with a teacher'. 

Is chewing gum her signature? 

When this human rights activist was 'arrested' I told them that the floods would come next, and while I was in overnight, Queensland in Australia was flooded. So I would not be surprised to see that something ecological happens in the USA, due to what happened to Sandra Bland.

The LORD will respond you can be sure of that, that nation has to learn that what happened to Sandra is not acceptable behaviour on any level or from any viewpoint. 

So what is the meaning of the numeric of 15? 1+5 = 6 and in the song 'Johnny Come Lately' it mentions six more missions and a girl in North London. The song also mentions Vietnam and when the 'war' is over for America. Revelation chapter 15 mentions 'seven angels and seven plagues'. Did those seven angels die at the hands of the police force? Were those seven angels murdered in America? Its no coincidence that Sandra was 28 years old, and 28 is the numeric of the lamb. The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy. 

Its no coincidence that the family of Whitney Houston said that she was murdered, and the same as been said about her daughter Bobbi Kristina. Bobbi that was 22 years old, the numeric of the divine feminine, charity and leadership. We also know who gains the most from the mother and daughter leaving the planet! Some say, that Bobbi Kristina knew too much about her mother, and now the family are going after Nick, and they had done that right from the beginning.

They said that the day of her passing was the 26th of July, and that was the 'Day of the Herald', the herald ran with the prophecy at the appointed time in 2009, and what it predicted about the oil rich nations and Islam. 26 is also the gematria numeric of the name of God. 

Or does the prophecy about the 'seven angels and their plagues'; apply to the seven Islamic leaders that Nostradamus predicted would be taken out by Western nations on behalf of Saudi Arabia? The Arab league, the king of Jordan and Obama have nearly got Assad haven't they? I am feeling the heat of Jesus and his love again, as I was writing that last paragraph. 

There was an interesting verse of the day today, 'I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus'. Philippians 3:14

1 comment:

  1. More on the gum.

    3#) gum
    Derives from Vulgar Latin gummi, which is a loan of Greek kommi (e.g. Herodotus II,86, 96); the Greek in turn derives from AE qmy.t (qemi) (= "gum, resin").

    In Greece they make a wine called 'Retsina' and its made from resin.

    Today the traditional grape for Retsina is Savatiano with Assyrtiko and Rhoditis sometimes blended in, as well as other grape varieties throughout Greece. On the island of Rhodes, Athiri is the main grape. Modern Retsina is made following the same winemaking techniques of white wine or rosé with the exception of small pieces of Aleppo Pine resin added to the must during fermentation. The pieces stay mixed with the must, and elute an oily resin film on the liquid surface; at racking the wine is clarified and the solids and surface film are removed from the finished wine.

    Pilgrims and Crusaders to the Holy Land during the Middle Ages recorded their experiences with the strong, resin wines of the Greek islands. Pietro Casola, an Italian noble who traveled to Jerusalem in 1494, wrote about the wines and cuisines of the places he stopped at along the way. In one of his entries, about his visit to Modone on Peloponnese, he wrote about the bounty of good quality wines made from Malmsey, Muscatel and Rumney varieties. Everything he tried was pleasing, except the strong, resinated wine with an unpleasant odor.[1]
