
Sunday 12 July 2015

144,000 Redeemed

That Harpist touched my heart, as on the previous blog, a person wrote to me; 'I miss you'.

This being the year of the 'goat' that also embraces the lamb - its worth mentioning Revelation chapter 14. The lamb, the 144,000 and harpists. In the Revelation the lamb was seen standing on Mount Zion, and with the lamb 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads. A sound from heaven came like the rushing of waters and like a loud peal of thunder.

Rushing waters is also about the Islands.

The sound like the harpists playing their harps and they sang a new song before the throne. 

144,000 of the redeemed. The instrument chosen was very specific in Rev 14, as it relates to the revelation that King David received as recorded in the Psalms with the timeline of the night time.

Jesus knew that the 'old order', and 'old heaven and earth' would pass away, as the Jewish prophets had predicted it. Some people can accept that - and some people are not willing to do so. Those that did accept it are surely amongst the 144,000, and as the book of Revelation predicted, not all of the tribes are included in it. That's hard for some people to accept isn't it? However, I ask you to consider how many have been redeemed in Zion? 

Some have said that maybe the redeemed in Rev 14 are gay due to them not having been with women that could 'defile' them. However, there is another reality and some people do not live like others do. Young people that have kept themselves pure - for only the pure can enter New Jerusalem and those whose names are written in the lambs book of life. Rev 21. The names of the Apostles are also mentioned - and so that also gives you a clue to who they are - because their names are written on the gates. 

The Fountain - absolutely beautifully angelic harpist.

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