
Sunday 12 July 2015

America and 'Persecution'.

A journalist for the BBC has given his report on what is happening the USA in respect of same-sex marriage being made legal in all 50 states and how the Christian 'Orthodox' in America have 'reacted' with 'persecution mania' you could call it a 'fever' that has taken a hold of America in both for and against.

So I asked are the 'Gays' ready for New Jerusalem?

My view is this: There are enough gay people with a heart of conscience to self-regulate its own community, in the same way as there are enough people with a heart of conscience to self-regulate complimentary medicine.

Hebrews 10:33 'Sometimes you were publicly exposed to 'insults' and 'persecution'; at other times you stood side by side with those that were so treated'.

So then what happens when you share this reality with American 'orthodox' - that have judged others when they were told not to do so. Are they saints that are justified by God? Or will their judgement rebound upon them due to the spiritual law of you reap what you sow. As some sow to the Spirit and some sow to the flesh - and in their laps it is placed.

Rev 2:10 mentions the 'persecution' and who is responsible for it - and where they're coming from.

2010 was an interesting timeline wasn't it? I remember when the American Christian 'orthodox' apologised for being 'cruel' to yours truly. Did those people come from Jesus - where were they coming from? Rev 2:10 tells you exactly where they were coming from.

I expressed my freedom of speech and Rev 2:10 predicted what would happen due to the 'persecution' of his healers that defend human rights and the spiritual freedom of his people. For the true spiritual law brings freedom to humanity.

Jesus predicted that his followers were in a vulnerable situation due to the councils - and the councils are involved with the police. Jesus told us that when the time of the arrest came, 'do not be afraid' and I was dauntless at calling them out - for he had empowered me in his love beyond measure. So it was I suffered the consequences for what they did to my vital body, and Jesus said 'Be faithful even to the point of death'. Yea, they don't come any more faithful and loyal than yours truly. Yea, 'Life as the victors crown'.

He gave the warning that 'You must be on your guard'. Mark 13:9 for you will handed over to the councils. A person asked, 'Do you think that 'persecution' is built into their belief system'.

My response:

Well, you have to go back to the root of it to find the causes, sometimes it can be past life. In past lives we find many people that have been 'persecuted' and 'killed' for just being different or even just being in harmony with living on the land. Look what the 'orthodox' did to the Europeans, look what they did to the Native Americans and indigenous peoples. Look what the Islamic 'orthodox' are doing to their own people now.

However, there was an interesting case with a 'gay police officer', and when he found himself in the light of the love of two powerful healers, he 'combusted'. He triggered all over the place - and started shouting in public. The two healers that were both in harmony with the healing work of Jesus, both communed with the divine alone - and afterwards they shared with each other - what had been shown to us for further understanding and appreciation of the situation and why he 'reacted' that way.

We were both shown a past life whereby he had been a famous 'witch hunter', so his past life memories of being a 'hunter' had manifested again due to the job that he did. What that man required was a lot of healing of his past lives, yet he and his friends were most reluctant to be willing to accept the help from healers that he had destroyed in a previous lifetime.

I did not judge him, for I knew, that he had judged himself and he did it in public. He had been born that way, with all of the 'sadness' that brings for the purification of his soul. He reaped what he had sown. As some sow to the Spirit, and some sow to the flesh.

Then you have the fact that the deeds of the fathers impact on the next 3-4 generations, and how the reality of that manifests in their laps in their children. The never ending cycle that can be broken when people are aware of what is required. So the father of that man was given a gay child in his lap due to the deeds of the previous generations in his family.

Then we have the words in Matthew 10, 'If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. Truly, I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgement than for that town. Matt 10:14-16.

Whom was Jesus talking about? His healers that were sent out to heal the people. Yet, it was the 'orthodox' that were most 'virulent' at standing against his healers and it continues to this day. Jesus knew that it is through healing that humanity is raised up, and he knew that his healers required financial help. Hence, he told the rich man to give his wealth to the poor. Healing comes in many different modalities and disciplines and the most self-disciplined stay the course.

The most dedicated and devoted to healing humanity - and helping humanity to make a breakthrough are the most qualified for becoming miracle workers. Many are called, but few are chosen. In the name of Jesus the Jew we walked, in his name we healed, in his name we gave, in his name we were embraced with everything that the had to give us - to help us with the journey home to the heavenly Father.


The Son of God proved that he was with us, over and over again - and many healers gave their trustful loyalty to him - that helped us in the most amazing ways. Remember that Jesus predicted that he would send 'prophets', 'sages', and 'teachers'. Matthew 23:34. So what did he say to his healers about the Rev: 2:10 reality and when it came to be for yours truly. 'Whenever you are arrested, and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand, about what to say. Just say whatever is given to you at the time, for it is not you speaking, it is the Holy Spirit'. Mark 13:11

And so it came to be, history was made, so that when you read about the woman that was arrested when speaking the truth, you would understand it - and learn from the teacher that he sent. For it is the time for the healers to choose which tree to perch in, as you cannot sit in two trees at the same time - and it is the same with relationships.

Putting yours truly into a cell for a night was a test - as predicted in the scriptures - and we all know who tested her patience of a saint - again and again. Yes, she was given life as the victors crown - they did the same to David. He is gone again, and I live to share the story with you.

Do you remember what Islamic Turkey did to Greece for four centuries? Do you remember what Turkey did to Armenia? The Armenian children in Greece are talking about the 100th anniversary of the 'Armenian genocide'. 1.5 million people that had their land taken from them by the Turks.  Apparently the Turks are being paid double, for the boats that are filled with more immigrants that are arriving on the shores of Greece. At least the Armenians and the Greeks have the Son of God and his healers to give them our support in Europe.

Islands Stream

Greece Upward Mobility

Nigel Farage and the EU

Surely as I Stand Message

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