
Monday 13 July 2015

Black Wave Dream's

I was sharing about a dream that I had years ago about a huge black wave and how the black wave dream reminded me of the Island of Lanzarote in the Canaries. I never went to that Island, I was never drawn to go to that Island or sent there. However, the Son of Joseph and his wife did go to this Island shown in this video. I chuckled when I watched the video, as my name is everywhere. Exactly, as God had predicted that it would be in the scriptures. 

Anyway that 'Black Wave' dream was remembered again because now an American girl as also had a dream with a black wave and a bag in it. In her video she mentions the Noah prophecy although - in my humble view the Noah prophecy was fulfilled on Boxing Day in 2004 with the Asian disaster.  As we had all been called and given an ecological warning prior to it happening. 

A few years after the Asian disaster, I had the 'Black Wave' dream and a 'bag' was another important aspect of the dream. I had left my bag on the beach and taken my purse with me to go to a shop to get some ice cream and a drink. As I left the shop that was on a hill quite high up, I could see a huge, enormous black tsunami wave - that was like a huge black wall of water. This was the first time that I had seen a wave like that in a dream. So I always remembered it vividly. 

When the black wave had gone, all the beach was black like tar and black sand. Really black it was. Black volcanic sand, like you would see on a volcanic Island after an earthquake, the sand looked black ash. I walked down to the beach and my bag was covered in black and fortunately, I took my purse with me. Anyway, my camera had been saved, and it was OK, so I picked it up and left the beach.

The next major event that I remember after that dream was the tsunami in Japan - and the repercussions of that did impact on the coastlines of others. However, the American girl has also had a dream of a black wave, so it is quite likely that there is another tsunami that is black to come. 

This girl says she had her dream on the 1st of July, 2015 and it did include a bag - and if I remember correctly, that was the day that the 'McCoy Visions' were posted. Also interesting that the bag that was on the beach in the dream that I had, was the camera that I bought for my son after his grandma passed over. It was to be a gift from his grandma.

So was I abroad with his camera when the black wave comes? I wasn't abroad when the Japanese tsunami happened. So that dream must apply to something else that is coming.

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