
Friday 5 June 2015

Whitebait Fish Dream

Last night I had a dream of whitebait fish and it was cooked as a plate serving. That fish reminds me of the last time that I saw whitebait, I was with a friend at the cash and carry and there was a large bag of it in the frozen section.

I used to eat whitebait a lot when I was younger - cooked it and ate it when I went out. You don't see whitebait on the menu's these days - so its interesting that I should dream of it.

To dream of eating or cooking fish is considered to be a good omen - and the whitebait that I saw was cooked and being served to me - like when Jesus gave the fish. As the fish was food to be eaten it also indicates that this fish is important to your body at this point in time.

British Whitebait 

It is written that whitebait isn't ecologically viable as food - and this is probably one of the reasons that it was removed from restaurant menus. However there has been recent news that people were asked to eat less cod to help increase fishing stocks in the UK - and I smiled to read that the seals had eaten the cod instead. So even people eating less fish - didn't help to increase fishing stocks - although it did help to feed the seals.

Whitebait can be herring - sprat - sardines - mackerel - anchovies or bass, they are baby fish. It is written that the Chinese call these fish 'silver fish' in English.

A speciality of the Liguria cuisine and I used to deep fry the little fish dipped in egg and and covered in flour although you can put them in a batter. That's what they looked like when I saw the fish in the dream.

So what is so important about this fish and what does it have to offer at this time that the body requires.

It has high amounts of Vitamin E, B12, Vit D and A. So the dream is sharing what the body requires in its nutrition at this point in time. The fish oils and its nutrients.

In the previous post I shared what the prophets shared about dreams. 'If you tell me the dream and explain it - you will receive from me gifts and rewards and great honour. So tell me the dream and interpret it for me' Daniel 2:6

As Jesus said 'SKILLS ON and there is also a passage that mentions skill and success. 'Skill will bring success' Ecc 10:10

This fish is very easy for children to eat - and my son enjoyed them when he was a baby. When he was a toddler he loved all kinds of fish and seafood. He got more fussy with his food after he went to school - so school did impact upon what he was willing to eat at home. Probably due to what they were serving him in school was different from the healthy home cooking that he had been given.

I had just had an email exchange with a woman who has a child - who has arrived in England to see her family.  After I had written to the woman (that met yours truly many years ago) - I shared that I had the dream about the baby fish.

Afterwards I received a divine message 'Zana' and it can be found as a Romanian word - that is the equivalent of the Greek word for charities. It is written that it is about giving life to the baby in the womb - and Zana bestows gifts to the baby. Gifts of dance - beauty - kindness and luck.

This has been important divine guidance due to our discussion of the possibility of seeing an ex-health visitor that became a reflexologist and Reiki Master teacher - and she works as a volunteer with charities. So there we have all of the links together and the guidance to convey - that is giving us the green light about what we must do our utmost to do.

In the energy of Zana a person is a guardian angel for the child. The word is also connected with the goddess Diana - our Queen of Hearts. It is written that she has all the beauty and gives it away - and that makes so much sense as after Princess Diana passed away - she asked for her things to be given away to the people that she had visited and helped during her life.ână

There is a village in Ethiopia with the name of Zana and as we know the LORD is giving strength and power to his people in this timeline as the prophecies predict.

In Kurdish the word 'Zana' can mean 'Wise', 'Knowing', 'Learned' and 'Astute'. In Hebrew the name can mean 'Graceful Lily' and as Jesus said 'You can do it with Grace'. Zan can mean 'God is gracious' and Zanah Zaniade in Greek means 'Devoted to God'.

Zana in European countries is clearly linked to the flora and its energies - the flora is also important for the child. As such - before the visit of mother and child - I shall look at what the child requires in a flower essence remedy combination to see what is written about the energy that is required.

Jesus speaks to me sometimes in Greek terminology when it relates to a particular concept or methodology that he wishes for me to convey or explain. Whereby the heavenly Father sometimes speaks to me in Hebrew-Aramaic-Syriac with words that can be tracked back to sanskrit.

I then find another link with the fish. Amazing! Fish the sabbath meal.

Remember the almond energy on a recent post - the Vit E again and almond milk. I used to cook trout with almonds. In England we cooked the trout in foil - whereas in Australia the indigenous people cook the fish in leaves that looks like paper in the fire. I think with the cost of electricity these days - some people will return to cooking on an open fire - and sweet potatoes are lovely cooked in their jackets that way.

vitamin E

So what is for dinner this evening.

I have some French soft cheese for my Vit K - and I shall have some with some Israeli Matzos to begin with some marinated fresh anchovies that I have in the fridge. While I am munching on that delicious starter for sabbath night - I shall make dinner. Due to the food energies that are required tonight - I shall use some palm oil for cooking with plenty of garlic and red onion. I shall make dinner with some red chilli powder - ground almond - spinach - peppers and chicken. I shall also do some garlic mushrooms in a coconut sauce and have either lemon or rice cous cous with it.

With the chicken bones I shall make soup.

Remember this seeing food in a dream is auspicious.

So what is June the 6th about - it is the 'Day of Visionary' in this generous year of Matthew 20:15

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