
Saturday 6 June 2015

Anonymous Man

In May 2015 I saw a 'Headless Man' in a suit.

When I woke up today I saw the head of a man and it was as the anonymous group. He looked like a character from a film. His head and ears were black - and his identifying features were white and he had pointed ears. It was like this but in reverse. First I saw the headless man in May and now I saw his head.

In the UK video you will see the black face with white upon it.

In the video there is also a sign.

An elderly man with a staff at 01.54

This is the second time in a month that I have seen an elderly man with a staff in the street. 

'You are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me'. Psalm 23:4 'By faith Jacob, when he was dying. Blessed each of Joseph's sons and worshipped as he leaned on the top of his staff'. Hebrews 11:21 'But take this staff in your hand so that you can perform signs with it' Exodus 4:17 'The LORD answered Moses - 'Go out in front of the people. Take with you some of the elders of Israel and take in your hand the staff with which you struck the Nile, and go'. Exodus 17:5 

It was in 1999 that my teenage son (the grandson of the Son of Joseph) took it upon himself to start make staffs and talking sticks. He would find the wood and take off the bark. He would sand down the branch and then decorate it with paint - thin strips of leather and suede - he would add feathers and beads. He was going to sell them to the spiritual shops in Australia so that he had some pocket money to spend. 

However - soon after we had to move and then leave Australia to come home to England.  That which the child made with his own loving hands - was given to friends who had helped us in Australia while we were there. They were thrilled with their spiritual gifts. 

Julian Assange wearing a bulletproof mask.

My ears are ringing today.

Thursday 4th June 2015. 2:20 PM

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is offering a $100,000 bounty for Leak of the entire Trans-Pacific text.

The bible also mentions the 'Bounty' and in Psalm 68 it is to provide for the poor. In Psalm 65 - the year is crowned with bounty and the carts overflow with abundance. In Jeremiah the priests are satisfied with abundance and my people will be filled with bounty declares the LORD. Jer 31:14

'They shall come and shout for joy on the heights of Zion; they shall rejoice in the bounty of the LORD'. Jer 31:12 

1 comment:

  1. So I saw the headless person in May and after that a woman was found in a case in Little Venice.

    I saw the face of Anonymous and now they've found another body of a woman in a case. This time in the county of Cambridgeshire.

    I can see the link with Julian Assange as prior to him living at the embassy in London - he was living in Norfolk. So it was an indication of the area. Its also bizarre that this is the day that the Duchess of Cambridge chose to publish her photographs of her two children together.
