
Monday 8 June 2015

Two Seagulls

On Sunday I saw two seagulls on the roof. They were just sitting there peacefully and quietly. I spoke to the birds but they didn't move. The Gulls of the Herring Sea and the Herring always reminds me of a Danish person that passed over.

The keynote of the seagull is 'Responsible behaviour and Communication' and its cycle of power one year. They are ecological birds and author Ted Andrews shares with us that their appearance as a totem may reflect opportunities to do with ecology and ecological realities.

Original artwork gifted to Holland. 

David was a sailor and was also ecological in his plans - as such I can see why the two people would have a connection. Its a sign to me that they are both at peace - and as the birds to bring their messages.

I had some roll mops in the fridge - so I had some herring on a salad with some Israeli Matzos prior to having my homemade soup with some soft French cheese. Also when I returned today - I saw another blackbird and it was being very directional and I understood its message - the direction that it was pointing and flying into and the reason why.

The 7th of June is the 'Day of the Entertainer' and it is also a birthday of a person that I met in the social networks on line in what seems like many years ago. So I shall post his mandala - again as there is also food in his mandala. 

When I look at the mandalas they always make me feel like painting again. They are so colourful and poignant and each one is unique. 

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