
Monday 8 June 2015


I had a dream this morning - a neighbour (who is a pensioner) came and asked me if I had any old trousers to spare. As she was planning to do something and she didn't wish to get her own clothes messy - due to her only having new clothes.

So she was asking for some old clothes to do some work in - clothes like you would wear if you were going to do some decorating or gardening etc. I said to her that I would take a look - but I didn't think that I did have any to give to her as I only had one or two pairs. Then the dream ended.

It was unusual for this elder to ask for anything - and surely there is a significance to this dream. To dream of clothes can be a 'dream of contrary with respect of quantity, as the more clothes that you had in the dream - the more urgent is the warning to prepare for difficulties ahead' - and there is a biblical prophecy about those that wear 'foreign clothes' as in 'made in china' and what happens to those people that wear 'foreign clothes'.

However also in dream interpretation 'old clothes can be a dream of warning against business dealings with or through friends' in the UK. The older woman in the dream is English and as such this is a message for the UK. This dream does relate to prophecies and the last days of the end times - due to what the pensioners are spending their money on.

Interesting that the elder didn't have any old clothes - and that is a sure sign that the pensioners are financially better off than others. However there is also a biblical context to this - as Jesus also spoke about the clothes - and people asking and they shall be given. Jesus predicted that when his healers went out two together that they would be clothed - financed and given food to eat.

In the book of Genesis clothes from the older son is given to the younger son. Genesis 27:15 As we know this was traditionally known as 'hand-me-downs' as the clothes were still fit for purpose. How many parents wear clothes until they're worn out - how about the children.

Did you give your children's clothes to others that could make use of them. Were you ecological and did you save what you could to help others that were poorer than yourself. Did you buy British whenever possible.

I've had a couple of pairs of leather boots for 23 winters - and they are nearly ready to go now - although they might make one more winter.

'Your clothes did not wear out and your feet did not swell during these forty years'. Deu 8:4 Neh 9:21 That is certainly true - I often gave my clothes away and my mother often gave her clothes to her daughter when she didn't wish to wear them anymore. In the case of family - the elder gave her clothes to the younger - as she had more money to spare to buy clothes - and she always kept some old clothes to do some work in the garden in.

The motto of prudence was 'Waste not - want not'.

In the book of numbers the clothes are washed on the 7th day. Numbers 31:24 The numeric of 7 is also a spiritual number and it is the life number of the spiritual teacher. I had this dream a couple of days after I did some washing - and the day after we were discussing the 'Boycott of the USA' and its corporations.

'I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me'. Matthew 25:36.

Clearly Jesus was fully aware of what would come to be in the future and that is why he spoke to his followers about their clothes. In fact - he told them to 'trample their garments under their feet' and this can indicate that what they were wearing was from a 'foreign' land. Jesus did not wish for his people in Israel to suffer the predicted 'punishment' and that is why he shared what he did with his followers.

However - I am fully aware that there is an Indian plan in league with Australia - and the markets in Australia are full of clothes from Asia-Pacifica e.g 'Foreign' lands. The only clothes that I bought when I was living in Australia - had been made in Australia and bought by the wealthy prior to being given to the charity shop. I bought two jackets in the charity shop - and brought them back to the UK with me.

Then I left one of those jackets at a house in a different county - and it was never returned to me. The other jacket was dry cleaned ready to give away or to the charity shop. When I returned to the UK the weather was cooler - so I bought a lovely jumper that had been made by hand in soft purple wool.

Another reason why Jesus spoke about the clothes and how his healers would be clothed by the wealthy when they went out two at a time - and found a person that was worthy of them.

When I was growing up a lot of clothes were still being made in the East End of London - and it was during the 70's that I remember the clothes starting to pour in from abroad into the shops and markets.

Today very few clothes are labelled as to where they were made. However, you can usually tell by the price of the clothes where they were made. Its hard for families when they have little money to spend on clothes for themselves and their children.

However - when I was working and earning a decent living - I did try to buy the better value for money - and pay more rather than less - as I found that the quality of the clothes and its material's lasted a lot longer. Better to have fewer clothes and have clothes that were designed and made in the UK. However that is very difficult to do when you have a very small budget - although people could start to make their own clothes again - as some people do.

In the UK now - there is even material made from hemp. Hemp that is grown in the UK.

In the dream the pensioner was asking for 'trousers' to do the 'messy' work in like decorating or gardening. Trousers are also associated with 'male energy' and she does live on her own. The dream includes 'trousers' that have come from 'foreign' lands as that is what pensioners buy these days when buying new clothes.

This dream also comes at a time when medical care for the elderly is being discussed in the UK and the other day in respect of 'devolution' in the UK - I shared some information of what is being planned in the UK as far as the older generation is concerned. Basically the UK government have decided to concentrate financial resources into the youth of the nation and those that are over 70 will not receive the care that they have become accustomed to in the UK.

This will mean that more of the younger generation will have to look after their elders again - due to those that are wearing the trousers in the UK cabinet that are making these decisions. And yes some of those that are making these decisions do have an historical and genetic heritage from 'foreign' lands.

Its no coincidence that Europe has a large elderly population - that have also been able to swing the vote in elections. Those conservatives that the elderly population voted for - will not be supporting that population in the future as the government plans in the UK indicate. Devolution will mean much great numbers of people in the local community will have to look after their own - as the medical profession will not be spending their budgets on you.

That is probably another reason why the older generation are asking the younger generation for help in this dream. As the elder was asking the younger for help in the dream and that reminds of this verse.

The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me. Matthew 26:11


14th June 2014

In Proverbs 27 it is the lambs that do the clothing and the goats that buy the field. The proverb also mentions 'When the hay is removed' and that reminds us of Louise Hay (USA) and what she did when she was in Australia. I saw how she treated the 'disabled' that had saved up for the opportunity to meet her.

The proverb also mentions the (American) wife that has been banned again in the CT community this weekend - and the proverb indicates that she will not change her ways: Some Americans are like that - they don't like change for the better!

2015 is the year of generous as it aligns with Luke 20:15 and Jesus speaking of generous. I received some coconut incense and coconut goats milk ice cream this year from a friend and Proverbs 27 mentions the friend.

In 2015 I also found my perfume that I bought in 2007 on my way to Israel. Proverbs 27 mentions both the perfume and the incense. It also mentions the goats milk and this is the year of the goat. So we are definitely with the timeline. I like lambs wool and in the 80's a hairdresser friend made a lovely angora jumper for me. Perhaps I shall start to crochet again in lambs wool - or someone will make a jumper for me again.

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