
Friday 5 June 2015

Black Box Vision

Black box arrived this week - a box wrapped up in a black bag - and that reminds me of the vision of the black box that I was given in 2010. 'Then I saw a vision of a mountain and on top of the mountain was a black box shape and the box turned into a beautiful pink Lotus Flower that was opening'.

You might wonder what is inside the black box that was delivered to my door; it is an appliance for the preparation of food. A blender that chops - whips - grinds - grates - blends - mixes - purees - juices. Jesus says that I have reached my goal with food - and this brought many rewards.

As he said, 'Aromatherapy Massage', 'SKILLS ON'. 'Skill will bring success' Ecc 10:10 And the book of Daniel mentions the dream and the rewards for interpretation of it. 'If you tell me the dream and explain it - you will receive from me gifts and rewards and great honour. So tell me the dream and interpret it for me'. Daniel 2:6

Now we are ready to move on with the next phase of the journey - and replacement of cookware is an essential part of that as the prophecies predicted. 'On that day HOLY TO THE LORD will be inscribed on the bells of the horses, and the cooking pots in the LORD's house will be like the sacred bowls in front of the altar'. Zechariah 14:20.

On the altar when I was teaching Reiki healing - I put a blue and white porcelain bowl with uncooked rice in it - for the energy of fertility and prosperity of Spirit. In Matthew 20:15 Jesus speaks of being 'generous' and this year is 2015. An eight year of spiritual transformation although in my life cycle - I am in a seven year of the spiritual teacher - so it is in that - the spiritual transformation comes.

I also had upon the white embroidered table cloth on the altar - a glass vase with water in it - that was blessed - and at the end of the day we would drink the water. Also there was the Tibetan bells that are inscribed with Tibetan symbols that I sometimes used for sound healing - and or calling people back. The bells were used like tuning forks for the vibrational frequencies for healing.

Then there was the wooden talking stick made for yours truly by an Italian elder when I was teaching Reiki Mastership in Italy. The talking stick was only passed around - if and when there was a noisy group and that was a rare occurrence when I had to give them the talking stick.

Most people felt honoured to be in such a sacred space that had been created especially for the students. To ensure that every weekend that they spent with yours truly and the divine - was truly memorable.

There were many types of crystals for healing purposes - sea shells fresh from the beach - and different angelic and word cards for selection by the students in our sacred space: that had been created with incense - music - meditation - and everything that was created for them to live and experience the joyous peace of the healing sanctuary.

At lunchtime we would sit together and share the food that we had brought to the table - and before eating the food we would give healing to that which we ate and that which we drank. Over lunch we would discuss what the students were interested in and of course each group had different dynamics - although food was often discussed. Especially with those that had 'food intolerances' and or 'wheat allergies'.

I also took my flower essence remedies with me - just in case a remedy was required by one of the students.

Its no surprise that the Zechariah prophecy mentions horses as during the healing training courses - people were also taught how to feel energy of plants and also how to heal animals. How to feel auric fields and my students were given a methodology - to be able to ascertain if there were any holes in the auric field that was 'leaking' energy - and how to heal those areas and seal them so that the auric fields could be as healthy as could be. 

So thank you to the wonderful person that bought the blender for me. My son just made a banana and coconut milk drink for his mum with the new blender.

All for the glory of God and his Son.

Psalm 68:10 'Your people settled in it. and from your bounty God, you provided for the poor'.

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