
Thursday 25 June 2015

Two Baskets of Figs

Shall we discuss the two baskets of figs? Two baskets of figs that were placed before the temple of the LORD. Scripture explains that figs that ripen early are the very good figs. Figs were given symbolically to describe the nature of the people and what would happen to those that were exiled to another land. Just like Europeans were exiled from their homelands and sent to the USA where they spend 70 years in 'captivity'. For many people that's a lifetime!

Interesting that the numeric is 70 years when you compare that with the 77 weeks of Daniel. How those that were exiled served the 'king of babylon' for 70 years and 'Mystery babylon' is mentioned in the book of Revelation - Rev 17 and 18 also applies to the USA. As it is the only nation that fits the criteria of both chapters together.

How the LORD repays them for their deeds and the work of their hands.

How daughter Zion was sent to the USA to help and to warn the Americans of what was coming upon it. As described in Micah 4 - and how afterwards she returned home after the mission to the USA.

As the LORD said in 2008 when he referred to Obama as the Pharaoh and the Pharaoh can also be found in Surah 44 when it mentions the 'day of judgement'. Jesus predicted that judgement would begin when the sign of Jonah turned up in Israel, and the whale arrived in Israeli waters in 2010.

That was then followed by the 'flotilla disaster' and 5 million trees burning to the ground on Mount Carmel at Jewish New Year. As we know there have been some protests in Israel with the Ethiopians. 

How Joseph was sent to help the Egyptians to avoid the famine, and the numeric of seven years. How Joseph predicted that another person would come in his name - and how Moses asked for the blessing of the bush to be put upon the head of a descendent of Joseph. How the Son of Joseph said to his daughter 'Forget me not' after he passed over - and that is a song sung by black singers. 

How there is also an Egypt in the USA, and the name Judah was found inscribed on the river nile. The children of the nile that were taken into slavery by the Arabs and shipped to the USA. The Africans and the Africans and Arabs that were responsible for selling the children into slavery to Egyptians. How Africans walk the streets of America, and how the cultivation of the earliest figs found by archeologists go back 11,500 years in the Middle East. 

How Jesus predicted that the last days of the end times would be shortened for the sake of the elect. You can view the very good figs in the basket as being some of the elect. Those that ripened and were presented before the temple of the LORD. So who were presented to me - do you know?

My view is that the shortening of the last days began in 2003 - in the night of the harmonic concordance when the planets formed the Star of David in the heavens. It was a very rare event - that astrologers said will not happen again for another 3,500 years. That also aligns with the prediction about the TAO peach that only comes once every 3,500 years. 

Although we do know that the symbol of the TAO was changed and originally there was no black or white, there were two fishes swimming harmonically. Just like you can see it in the ancient mosaics in Israel. Remember this as a dear friend said, 'the same colour blood runs in our veins'. 

It was Jesus that rebuked Peter for 'cursing' the fig tree. The fact is that Peter was doing it to his own for those figs were Jewish and black. Just because some ripened early - didn't mean that Jesus loved those that hadn't any less. It takes time for new trees to mature before they bring forth fruit. Just as America has to mature as a nation. However, there were two men with the name of Peter - so make sure that you know which is which, and from which basket! 

There were two healers with the name of Peter - one never married and the other one did and it ended in divorce. Then there was the military man that made life for his wife hard due to his criticisms of her, then there was Peter the businessman that amassed great wealth like the Vatican; and then there was Peter the ecologist and peace maker. You can find the name in many different realities in different colours. Another reason why Joseph was given a coat of many colours. 

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