
Saturday 27 June 2015

August-September 2015

In my year of repose, in this year of generous of 2015 - this August has been designated as the month for the younger healers to help the older healers in the world of goodness that unites the generations. So what can healers do? Come together and work together - two together in harmony as Jesus asked you to do.

September is an anniversary of the dedication and mandate for the children and its everlasting covenant of peace for the children. As Prophet Isaiah predicted it would come to be, it was first delivered in 2007. And the LORD asked us to always honour it - and when it was delivered to the world of goodness.

Mandala gifted to a man with a Spanish heritage. 

What else is happening? The shortening of the last days of the end times began in 2003 when the angels called the elect from the four directions and the planets created the 'Star of David' in the heavens.

In Islamic prophecy you may read Surah 95 as it predicts what will happen to Saudi and its Islam.

My very good figs and black olives are coming forth. Almond nuts are also on the menu this week and with a range of fruit and fresh veg. We shall continue with our work with food - and I shall take my paints and sounds for healing with me in September.

Glory be to the LORD that he will circumcise the hearts of so many people - for the sake of his healers and the spiritually elect. So enjoy July and what it brings forth to you - in repose of summer that is left for you to enjoy in the love and the truth of your heart.

Prepare yourselves for August and September - be pure in your minds, in your hearts and in all that you do - to help the generations to unite in the loving kindness of healing each other. The greater the love that you are - the greater are the causes.

Be noble in holiness and allow yourselves to be seen for the love beyond measure that you are.

Remember what the LORD said, 'By the time they find out what we have done, it will be to late for them to change it'.

Mandala gifted to an English healer and sponsor of the missions to Israel
in May 2006 and September 2007. 

Angels Healing Trust

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