
Monday 29 June 2015

Inversion for Hair Growth

I was discussing inversion again today for the back and how helpful I have found it, although I have to get into a more regular routine and make sure that my back gets its stretching daily - preferably twice a day. Its easy to lapse when you are feeling better and that is why it is important to get into a daily routine. I have found inversion therapy with an inversion table helping in many ways, from stretching the back, strengthening the muscles and impacting on the gravity of the body. 

Its strengthening my arms, hands and other limbs - and I first began to notice the difference in how I felt while doing inversion after the first month. In this video called the 'Science of the Inversion Method' it is about a different aspect that can be done without an inversion table. It is for the scalp and for hair growth and includes using oil. Jesus and Elijah advised to have plenty of oil and today a friend gave me almond oil and honey! 

To date I have been using coconut oil on my hair and I leave it on for a few days. When the hair is washed it feels wonderful and you can really feel the difference in your hair. The hair feels thicker and silky. However, I shall try almond oil - and the method recommended in this video - as I like to try different things. 

I am inspired when I am gifted to find out what the gift is for - and almond oil is recommended for eyes and skin. Some people also mix it with a Vitamin E oil. Although I could use some basil. I also have some black olives in oil in the fridge and that oil would also be interesting to try on the scalp. 

I have used almond oil in the past in body massages - and I must admit I do like almond oil.

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