
Wednesday 24 June 2015

James Horner Crash

I've been on tender hooks all night and yesterday I was compelled to watch an hour long Celine Dion documentary. Now there is news that composer James Horner as died in a plane crash in California on the 22nd of June. He was just 61 years old. He spoke himself in a most recent interview about the fact that he was a very private man and said that he never attended the usual Hollywood gatherings and parties.

Its hard for people to take on board that this man has actually gone - a Jewish man so talented and everything to live for. It makes one wonder what really happened to that plane and I do hope that a full investigation will be carried out.

On his profile his attorney says 'We know that its his plane, and we know that we haven't heard from him' but did not say whether the identity of the pilot had been established.

A creative man that spoke of spirituality and his spiritual connection with the films that he composed music for. As the Guardian have written - he leaves a spectacular legacy of musical works. He began playing the piano at age five.

In January 2015 I had a 'Star Trek' dream with the characters in it. I remember it vividly seeing the characters from 'Star Trek', 'Star Wars' and Galatic Movies. The characters faces were in shards of shattered glass.

Then there was the dream of the woman wearing the red dress and James wrote music for the film 'Lady in Red'. At the time I issued a warning to women about wearing red dresses. In the video tribute of his work - he looks just like the man in the recent 'Dancing Dream'. Then there was the two dreams that included the people dressed like 'Goths' in theatrical stage wear in silks and brocades; followed by a dream of the man that defended - and then left the location that the corporation had taken over. If I remember correctly, Surah 44 also mentions the silks and brocades!

The BBC news article says that he leaves a wife and two daughters behind. Condolences to family and friends.

UPDATE 26th July 2015 

On the 30th July, 2011 I was in the bath pondering upon a golden eco-pod and some simple flowers for a burial. Then suddenly I saw a large golden wedding ring energetically - it was 4 inches in depth and breadth. At the time I wrote that the gold wedding ring means an engagement with God to me when I see it. Now the gold ring was close to a willow tree in the vision that I was given. And James Horner wrote the music for the film WILLOW!

When I originally shared the vision on a previous blog - I linked the ring and the willow to Ezekiel chapter 17 as that also mentions the Willow. The chapter mentions two eagles, the willow and babylon. It also mentions the 'Pharaoh' and his mighty army, and in 2008 was the first time that the LORD referred to Obama as the 'Pharaoh'.

The prophecy predicted that the Willow would wither when the EAST wind strikes it! And the direction of the East is the direction of the spiritual teacher!

This post about the two baskets of fig trees explains more.

The original post dated the 30th of July 2011 mentions an engagement with God that would come when I was thinking about a burial. 26th June 2010 was the passing over of a friend Michael in the USA - today's date! And I am now getting ready for the next engagement with God - that will be in a European country - hence the vision of the gold wedding ring.

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