
Monday 1 June 2015

Strength and Power Given to Ethiopian Israelis

In recent days we have been sharing the prophecy about Cush in Psalm 68 - and how God gives strength and power to his people. Our love is with you Ethiopia. 

Israel must resolve this issue to the satisfaction of the Ethiopian Israelis. Israel airlifted the Ethiopian people to safety in Israel because they were Jewish. That meant providing Israel with higher Jewish numbers to defend Israel's reality to continue to exist in the name of God. 

As such - the Ethiopian Israeli's must be given equality and equal opportunities. As God has given the people his strength and power as the prophecy predicted.

What people have to appreciate - especially Americans - that many nations are being invaded by boat loads of Africans and Muslims and the situation in Israel is not unique to Israel.

The Jewish Ethiopians that were flown into Israel did have the blessing of the Jewish people to go to Israel. However that doesn't mean that Israel or other nations are an open door to anyone that would like to live in their nation. Countries have borders - and immigration has to be legal. Countries are not always as prosperous as many appear to be - there has been poverty in Israel for a long time and food banks!

When I looked at moving to Italy - I asked the men in the village would I be welcome. When I looked at moving to Greece - Spain and the Canaries I did the same. I asked the people, how they felt about it. When I moved to Australia to live - I was invited to go to live there.

You don't just arrive to live in a country without consultation or invitation by the people that you would like to live among and share their community and culture. It is the human right of the people of every country and nation to decide - how they would like their country to evolve and who with. 

We are aware that historically people have moved from culture to culture when a different culture was viewed as being more prosperous. However - with the huge increase in population numbers around the world - there is a huge strain upon essential services in the nations - and the money to pay for them.

Many tax payers have had enough of working so hard just to fund other nations - and that is one of the biggest complaints that you hear from Americans about Israel. Instead of looking within their nation to resolve it - they go after Israel instead. That's easy to do it isn't America. I wonder what it would be like in America - if every Jewish person that lived there; just upped and left with their wealth and industries and went elsewhere. What would happen to the USA then - Obama land. 

Then there is nationality and statehood to be considered - and in particularly in Israel's case they do not require any more Muslims arriving in their nation from the African continent that includes from Ethiopia and Sudan. It has also been made clear that the full assimilation of the Jewish Ethiopians hasn't become fully integrated into Israeli society - and that must be rectified at the earliest opportunity. Although I am aware that it is difficult to do - when there are so many other pressures upon the Israeli nation. 

Greece - Spain - Italy - all the European countries are under Islamic pressure due to the continued invasion of our countries and nations and for sure some people are getting more and more snappy - as they find their children without jobs and families without homes and food - plus the increase of realities that has not happened in the past in the very best places to live. 

Mass immigration like this hasn't happened before - due to the population not being this large before. Hence the cultures are just not equipped to deal with it appropriately. I have written about this issue many years ago and instead of the situation improving - its just getting bigger and bigger. At the end of the day - the men will have no choice but to surrender and do it God's way.

This as to stop - no more war in God's name - no more rift in Ethiopia and other nations.

Remember there is a grave in Egypt with a million skeletons.

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