
Monday 1 June 2015

Towers of Himalayas

This video of the 'Towers of the Himalayas' was published on the 28th November 2013. The text with the video shares with us that the 'Himalayan Towers' are a series of stone towers located mostly in Tibet. Carbon dating shows they were built approximately 500 to 1,100 years ago. Since they are generally located in prosperous villages, it is believed that their primary function was a demonstration of a family's prestige within the community'. 

The documentary includes people that still live and grow their food as they have always done. Still wearing the dress of their culture and still honouring the towers that go up to the skies before them. In one of the villages there are at least 100 of these towers and you can see that most of the towers have the eight pointed the star - the star of venus. Although one of the towers as 13 points. 

The eight pointed star is associated with USHA and the divine court of truth that is feminine and the documentary does mention a Queen. Inside the homes of the natives you will see a symbol that many people recognise. Also towards the end of the video there is an ancient rite that has been featured with the birds. 

Jesus spoke of this ancient Tibetan 'death' rite with the birds - as we can see it in the scriptures as proof of it. The film maker thought it was a lovely way to go - rather than going into the ground to be eaten - or cremated. To allow your body to be given to the birds - and to know that a part of you - as become part of them - as the birds fly above the land. 

In the documentary film - the birds are fed towards the end of it - and it is attended by Buddhist monks. So there was and is no requirement for expensive funerals - in the lands of these natives. For these people it is a sacred rite - as they embrace the afterlife and that the Spirit lives on. Their land is not taken up by burial lands - wooden coffins or the requirement of people to look after burial sites. 

The documentary also mentions how UNESCO have considered it becoming a world heritage site. It is beautiful to see the rainbow in the documentary a few times - as the rainbow is a reminder of the covenant with God and Joseph with the coat of many colours.

Its common sense to me that in those towers their ancestors could live on in the towers via the birds that could rest their whenever they wished to do so. Space enough to fly in and out - if and when there was an earthquake that the towers have been defended and strengthened against. They knew that the birds liked to fly high and so the buildings had to be tall. 

The birds could also give a sign and warnings to the surrounding people if something was seen in the distance. It makes sense to me that the more towers there were in the village - indicated the more people that had passed over there. 100 is also a numeric that Jesus spoke about when he spoke of the spiritual law of giving. The more that you give - returns to you 30 - 60 - or 100 fold. 

There is a church on the sea of Galilee - and the last time that I was there - smaller birds flew in and out. It was lovely to see the birds in the church flying around - as the church was being looked after by a franciscan monk - and it did remind me of St Francis.

So no coincidence then that some of these towers have also be found in Italy.

Whenever I am involved in a divine mission - the birds always come to let me know when the work is finished - and they dance with joy and sing with happiness. The Spirit of Grace was indeed poured out on the house of David and Jerusalem.

In recent days we have been sharing the prophecy about Cush in Psalm 68 - and how God gives strength and power to his people. Our love is with you Tibet - our love is with you Ethiopia.

Israel must resolve this issue to the satisfaction of the Ethiopian Jewish people.

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