
Tuesday 2 June 2015

Sweden and India Dream

In the first dream I saw a Swedish guy with a different woman in an intimate situation. She had a lot of bushy hair. I told him 'NO' to what he was doing and then I cried. In dream interpretation to dream that you were crying or to experience it in altered state of consciousness can indicate that a friend or associate is in 'distress'. And the advice given is to ensure that you give a sympathetic response.

In the next dream - I was with an Indian doctor in his surgery showing him some exercise equipment and the help that it could give to health. He was asking me about the equipment and what created the health condition originally and then the dream ended. The doctor and I were both happy in the dream and to dream of happiness is a good omen as the dream was about health - and it is also divine providence and divine will where health is concerned.

To dream of exercise or that which is associated with it - is another omen and this time of good luck if you enjoyed the exercise - which I did and do enjoy inversion therapy.

To dream of health combined with an exercise methodology signifies that it is good for your health. To dream of a doctor is a positive sign in your life and it is good to have a doctor in your dream as it forecasts an improvement in all areas of your life where health is concerned.

Being asked questions in a dream - can indicate that there is an obstacle to overcome - and a lot of it depends upon the answers that you give when asked the questions.

Two different dreams and two different realities - a dream that could relate to a past life experience and a dream that relates to the present. The first dream was 'sexual' in nature and the second dream was about 'health and exercise'. We also have the Saturn in Scorpio transit and Scorpio is also a 'sexual' sign.

Hence it looks like it is the last phase of the moving away from the past and its relationships during this transit for humanity. Mars is also in Taurus transit until around the 15th-16th of June and there we have Venus. So you could find that your dreams are relating to people that you know in the context of your dreams during these transits. The Taurus Bull can also relate to the Indian ghee that has been put into the global food chain - although as we know Venus also relates to love and that which you love.

If and when you felt those relationships touched your life in such a deep way - especially if there was a triangle situation involved as there was in the dream when I said 'No'. As we know - relationships usually end the way that they begin - and it is often the same with the transits.

On a spiritual level you could find yourself reconnecting with people from the past that are in requirement of help - guidance and spiritual direction. As the scorpio influence is very deep on a spiritual level - and saturn the teacher will impact on the spiritual and depth of different spiritual realities, people and places. It is the last day of the week of freedom and June 2nd is the 'Day of the Problem Solver'. We all know how some men think that they can do all of that - and whatever they wish to do.

However - it isn't a one-way street - and women also have to be responsible for their own health and especially their 'sexual' health; as the sexual energies of people stay with you for at least six months after intercourse and penetration. A person's DNA can also impact on you - and that is why it is imperative that you put your health first - and honour your bodies as sacred.

No coincidence then that I was sharing with the Indian doctor about a solution to a health condition - and he was asking questions about it. Today is also a good day to do anything that requires solving, in fact make June your month of summer to solve that which is in your focus now as the planetary energies are with you. To overcome any obstacle that you might face. Stay true to who you are as Jesus said, 'Aromatherapy Massage' and 'SKILLS ON' and we say 'ON' when beginning Reiki healing, 'Reiki On'.

When I got up and went to the kitchen to make a drink I looked out of the window - and saw on the forecourt a large amount of green energy. It was in the shape of a car in length and width. Green energy always reminds me of David who is mentioned in the Psalms. Psalm 89 being one of them.

I can view the dream on different levels and in different realities in different dimensions. How currently health is a major aspect of what is going on internationally. So while some people are concentrating on 'sexuality' - others are focussing on other more important health issues.

One can view the man from Sweden as being symbolic of Sweden and the man from India being symbolic of Sweden. You will find many Indians in UK surgeries - although Swedes did migrate to the UK. So where are the Swedish doctors you might ask. As we know there is a huge difference in the two nations and cultures of Sweden and India.

Better a man that supports your healing and health than a man whose focus is elsewhere. Better a man that supports your willingness to heal and improve your health. Better a man that holds spirituality in his heart - than a man that is agnostic. Better a man that holds a woman when she cries - and continues to hold her until the last days of the end times are over.

This is also the timeline of the Ethiopians being given strength and power as indicated in the prophecy in the Psalms. It was about 34 years ago that an African woman came to live with me as she was looking for a house to buy in our location. She was a joyful soul.

After that the Egyptian men began to arrive in my life and the prophecies they are referred to as 'envoys'. That was followed by another African woman that I met on the galilee of the gentiles. We had a few meetings and after that she left our location - the last I heard she was doing some work in Africa.

The last time I saw the Egyptian family - my friend from Egypt who had come to visit his children had a 'chest infection' and so I gave him healing. Afterwards he said I didn't know that you were spiritual - I responded to him. 'in those days we didn't discuss spirituality; we were busy having a party!' And so he smiled and had to agree - it was a lovely time that we all spent together - loving and dancing - we have some great memories of all being together in the UK.

He showed me a picture of his cousin reunited with a daughter for the first time - and he also showed me a photo of Abraham who finally has a son. Many times I used to say 'No' to the Egyptian family and what they were doing in their love lives.

They found great freedom in the UK in comparison to Egypt at that time. Yet - we can see from the biblical prophecies that it was divine providence that they came to England as envoys to meet yours truly.


  1. Charles Kennedy RIP

    "Better Together' campaigner.

  2. So what is happening in Sweden. Check it out.

  3. The Foo Fighters have cancelled two gigs after frontman Dave Grohl sustained "at least one fracture" when he fell off the stage during a concert in Gothenburg, Sweden.

    They will no longer play the Pinkpop Festival in Landgraaf, Netherlands, on Sunday and a show at the AFG Arena in St Gallen, Switzerland, on Monday.

    A statement said the full extent of his injuries were yet to be determined.
    They are yet to say whether two Wembley shows will go ahead on 19 and 20 June.

    The band were two songs into their set at the Ullevi stadium when Grohl went to jump on a ramp but missed and fell into the security area.

    "I think I just broke my leg," the singer told the crowd as he lay on the ground.
    "I'm going to go to hospital. I'm going to fix my leg. And then I'm going to come back."
    He added: "You have my promise right now that the Foo Fighters - we're going to come back and finish the show."
