
Thursday 18 June 2015

Goth and Cars Dreams

In the first dream I was at a party in a house of a couple and some strange things were going on with the married couple. I knew the couple in the dream and they have been married for many years. He was on the left and she was on the right - and the dream began with me seeing his wife happily calling out to another woman. The two women were doing mating calls with their voices, laughing and being flirtatious with each other. 

The husband was looking on and he didn't look very happy about the two women and their mating calls to each other. His face was a stare and very stern - as he was looking at them. I then saw that there was a woman next to him that was looking on at the women and what they were doing. They were all dressed in black - like it was a halloween party or something like that. So it does indicate a timeline. They were all dressed like Goths and the outfits that they were wearing; were very elaborate and luxurious. Like they were wearing clothes from the theatre and that you would wear on stage. 

In the second dream I was in a car location - it was like an auction location. I had parked my car and had some things in the back of the car. Then next thing I knew the car was gone and someone had taken it from the car park. I went everywhere in the location to find out who was in charge - so that I could get my car back. Alas - everyone was unhelpful. At this point all the cars were leaving the location. There were various places on the site where you could get drinks and snacks - like pubs and the people behind the bars were unhelpful as well. Both male and female. 

A man came into the bar where I was in that point in the dream - and he had my bag with what I had put in the back of the car. That was the evidence that the man knew who took the car. I said to the man that 'you know who took the car because you have my bag'. Then suddenly another man came along and he had enough. He took the case on and the situation on my behalf. He didn't manage to sort it out while we were there - and he was very cross as we left the location. 

He began to tell me that the business had changed hands and it now had new owners. That it had changed and that it wasn't like it was before. That before there were directors that were responsible for what happened at the site. The site e.g. business wasn't privately owned anymore  - it had been taken over by a corporation.

Dream interpretation

With the first dream having a 'sexual' connotation between the married woman and another woman being so prominent in the dream. It can indicate what is happening on a planetary level with some older women and their love lives.

As Saturn is in Scorpio - a sexual sign and a sign that is very deep. It used to be the case that some women would flirt with a man in front of their husbands to get their attention.  However - these days as the dream indicates - some women are flirting with other woman instead.

In the dream the English macho man wasn't happy about what he saw happening - yet he did not do anything to stop it happening. Whether that was because he had plan B ready with another woman by his side - should his wife go off with another woman was shown in the dream. The dream shows us that there is a woman that is ready to be with her husband if his blonde wife thinks she can carry on doing what she is doing.

Saturn in Scorpio - Saturn moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius on October 26th, 2017.

There could also be a link between the two different dreams because in both dreams something was being taken away. In the first dream his wife was being taken away - and in the second dream it was a car that was taken away - so it looks like it is about the timeline of people and things being taken out of the lives of the people.

The car was prominent in the second dream and the car relates to being mobile and mobility. Transport and transportation - travelling from one location to the next. It can also be symbolic of the self and in the major arcane it is about the chariot with two horses - one black and one white. The chariot card also reminds me of Ben Hur and what happened to him after the Ben Hur eclipse - he did pass over in June 2010.

The location was a business location - and the business location had been taken over by a corporation. It is true to say that the corporations have certainly had a global impact of their penetration of the social networks and we see evidence of that manifesting itself on a daily basis.

In America there is also another election - and another member of the Bush family is being put forward for the election. Also there have been stories of Hillary Clinton having been intimately involved with other women.

As we know President Bush = oil = cars. The Texas Bush family.

The man that had the bag from the car was found out - so it is clear that more will come into the light of day about who took the car and its contents.

Goth is also about fashion trends and the dream indicates that fashion in clothes and in actions is impacting upon humanity in a 'sexual' way. The clothes were elaborate as in stage clothes so it does indicate - a big show. Many of the Goth wearers were born in the generation of Pluto in Scorpio - and some of that generation are not happy about what is happening with female sexuality as my son as spoken to me about it. When my son spoke to me about what is going on sexually on the planet in his generation of Pluto in Scorpio - he put the responsibility firmly into the lap of the USA. Due to the American movies - television and media etc.

The colour was prominent. 

The Russian scientists did some fabulous research on the impact of people wearing black - and how it impacts on their health in a very short space of time. We also know that DNA and bodily fluids have an impact in sexual activity.

The colour black was prominent in the dream and in dream interpretation the colour black is an unfavourable omen - and can indicate difficulties to overcome. It is a funeral colour - and it does indicate that there will be an ending and a passing in the life of the couple - that will have a great impact on them and their relationship. This also comes at a time when same sex relationships and marriages are in the news a lot. The man in the first dream is definitely a macho man - and he likes his wife to be by his side with her mating call. However - in the dream - she did not choose to be so.

In the second dream the man that came to help me was also a defender of that which was true - and just. A Son of Light - as all Sons of Light defend women and the righteousness of the spiritual law.

The second dream was about cars and cars are to do with travelling. Saturn will move into the sign of the traveller on the 26th October 2017 - it will then be in Sagittarius my ascendent sign.

These two dreams together indicate that it is going to be a very difficult time for humanity in the next few years - and it is a time of great changes that many people will not like. The corporations are involved in fashions and trending as we know. However, as I wrote the other day - I don't follow fashion trends - I make them instead. So while humanity is doing what it is doing on a sexual level - I am observing it - but not engaging in it. The same with the manner in which the women are communicating with each other and their behaviour. Macho man knows that I don't approve of what is wife is doing - he knows my integrity.

What I will say is watch what happens when the cars leave. I may not have a car - but I have a lot more than that - in the nothingness there is everything when you live divinely. After the cars left in the dream a man came to defend and to help. However due to the corporations and what they have done - it was harder than he thought to get it sorted out. So we left the location together - and walked the talk! This musician is what the man in the dream looked like -  Chris Botti - when we left.

The bag that I put in the car was white with contents - a bag that carried the contents. White indicates purity and in dream interpretation bags can also be to do with business. If the bag was full it can be an auspicious omen for your dearest wishes. So the fact that the bag and the car was taken away can indicate that on a personal level - it enabled and made space for the Son of Light to come forth to help with what will happen in our lives together.

It indicates a timeline when those of the light will work together to help humanity where and when they can be helped in integrity - and both men and women of integrity will leave a reality behind - as we move forward together into the next phase of how we can help the next generation.

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