
Thursday 18 June 2015

Intercession and Cherubim of Glory

I was asked for intercession by a prayer request and the LORD already knew of the request before I could ask him. I was resting in bed wearing white and I felt what the person was feeling in my body to transmute it through me. While I was feeling it a large cherubim put his head next to mine on my left side - and in so doing there was two of us together for the healing and transmutation.

Side by side and seeing the cherubim is holy and pure in every thought - that is what the LORD is asking for the person that asked for intercession. He must make his every thought holy and pure - and in so doing he will be putting his happiness and health first. In the scriptures David says that the LORD 'rode upon a cherub, and did fly; and was seen upon the wings of the wind'.

However as I have shared with you - the cherubim put his head at the side of mine. Two heads touching in closeness of being together - cheek to cheek. Both looking forward together with eyes looking on in the same direction.

Interesting that the verse of the day is also about children. 'Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord'. Ephesians 6:4.

The Cherubim is mentioned in the book of genesis and it defends the tree of life. On the East side of the Garden of Eden and the East side is the side of the teacher. In the book of Hebrews it mentions the cherubim and they are called 'Cherubim of Glory'. Hebrews 9:5.

After that in the night - I had two dreams and I shared them prior to making this blog post.

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