
Wednesday 17 June 2015


A healing was chosen for the 'Day of Investment' on the day of the new moon on the 16th June 2015 and Saturn is in Scorpio. So the healing and teaching of it is deep and stretches across timelines and past lives shared together. Last night I was divinely guided on what to prepare for today - and it included a teddy bear for the child for the remembrance of a special day - dedicated to a little angel from heaven.  

I took with me coconut incense, coconut oil and some vibrational medicine that was divinely given. The flower essence to help with the clearing for the child was 'Elderflower'. The child received healing from two Reiki Master Teachers  - and one of the healers is an experienced reflexologist that had a previous lifetime nursing career with children. She was ideally suited to discuss the development of the child - and help with the healing of the child - and to work on his feet. 

Why is the feet so important? The feet impact on the brain. So while the reflexologist was working on his feet - yours truly was working on his head - neck and top of his spine. Prior to scanning his body energetically and working where the energy was required. 

Last night I was divinely given 'BELAT' and you can find the word in different languages and it means bamboo. So I took my Indian bamboo flutes with me for the clearing of the auric fields of the vital body - and the elderflower flower essence is also for the vital body. Belat connects us with past lives - and the daughter of Belat was enabled to heal the daughter of the King of Syria in ancient times. A powerful connection for the mother of the child and those that were involved in the healing methodologies today. 

The flute music and the whistle of the LORD. 'He whistles for those at the end of the earth'. Isaiah 5:26 His breath I do endow - in love we do give - in sound it is perfectly given for divine purpose. 

A past life in Egypt - with a location at the red sea was also given for the child - and the information imparted to the parents. Reflexology can be tracked back to Egypt - sound healing with crystal bowls and healing oils for aromatherapy. The oils taken for the child to sniff were lavender and geranium - geranium is particularly good for assimilation of the energies and that which is eaten. 

During the healing treatment while healing was being given to his spine - the child said 'Its Hot' and as we know Jesus spoke of HOT as written in the scriptures. Wonderful confirmation for the parents from the child. The child was drawn to the crystals - and he loved eating the coconut oil. He settled down with the healers and he loved the 'Russian Dolls' that were shown to him. Its amazing that in 2011 there is a blog post with a vision of the 'Russian Dolls' and they manifested today in perfect timing of the timeline. 

On the 23rd March 2011 - I woke up to an Abba song and the big band leader James Last passed over last week. James Last was well known for his concerts that included songs of Abba. James also wrote this beautiful song. In the video you can see the pink crystal heart that the mother was given over a decade ago. Happiness is enhanced when you support the truth of the power of their love - for in love beyond measure the world is liberated. As Jesus said, 'Children are the supreme joy of human life'.

In the post it also mentions a woman's name and Christopher Lee also sang a song about her as well. This comes at a time when a woman with the same name was in court for being nude on a mountain. In that same blog post is the vision that was given of the 'Russian Dolls' and it mentions the milk of the Christ teachings. It also mentions cinnamon and cinnamon in milk - preferably coconut milk or goats milk would be ideal for the child. 

Bamboo Flute Music for the Vital Body

Bamboo can be found in Silica and silica is an important mineral or should I say - silica is found in bamboo - that I take myself as a supplement - with cod liver oil for bones. So it was good to hear that the family of the child are growing bamboo. Although as an extract Bamboo - some don't recommended it as a vibrational medicine for children. So as far as the vibrational medicine is concerned - we continue to trust in the divine choices for us - and those that are brought to us to be given a blessing. 

'But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations'. Psalm 33:11 The LORD hears the cry of Elijah - and the mother of the child was asked to have plenty of oil that also includes palm oil. To put lavender oil on the feet of the child after a bath and going to bed. For the child to be given his elderflower drink before bed - in fact he could be given it prior to his bath. To continue with the feet and leg massages for her child with oils and dad can do it also. 

Further advice was given for the child to have some Alexander Technique for posture and spinal checks for back alignment - as it is ideal for children due to its gentleness. To concentrate on structural development as he grows at this time. To also do inversion with him for blood flow and oxygen. Food for healing was discussed and that work will be on-going as the child develops. 

We had lots of cuddles today - and it was wonderful for this recluse to be with a child again - in the healing process with the divine.

Last but not least - BELAT is also connected to a Jewish mystic 'Eleazar Rokeach' - Eleazar the Perfumer'. It is written that 'two crusaders broke into his house and killed his wife - two daughters and his son.'

Belat and Hannah, and his son Jacob. Interesting that recently I was given a vision of a crusader and it was shared on this blog when it was seen.

Crusader Vision

Eleazar was an astronomer and it is written that he was well versed in the sciences - although he also wrote poetically.

He was into the soferim of gematria - he was given merit for his new mystical system and ethical works in Germany during his lifetime. His profile shares this with us:  'greatness of soul and a piety bordering on asceticism. Though so severely tried by fate, he inculcates cheerfulness, patience, and love for humanity'. Wiki says he passed over in 1238. However - another link says in 40.

Further research on Eleazar.

No surprise then that Proverbs 27 also mentions the 'Perfume and Incense' in this timeline of the goats milk.

A bamboo flute for the child with an Indian name (that was born in Europe four and half years ago)  - has been requested and that the parents read the book on the 'Indigo Children' as other parents that I have worked with; have found this book to be a great help in appreciating and understanding these children, and the difficulties that they experience and encounter in their early and formative years.

My next step with the child - is to look at the pre-destination of his soul agreement. Life journey, and what we can anticipate for him - and what he has agreed to do his best to overcome this lifetime. Then we can review it - and compare it - with the past life information that we have been given.

I first began to receive paintings for the child in 2013 - 2014 - and those paintings have been given to the family with the mandala painting that was spread for the mother and child. This pink rose flower painting was also given to the family for his younger sister. So that everyone is gifted together. It actually reminds me of a pink lotus flower.

The oblong black box vision that was seen some years ago on top of the mountain - was one of my black boxes of flower essences - and in the box was the 'Elderflower' that was given for the child for the vital body. The child will blossom with the elderflower and in Chinese medicine the 'Elderflower' is for 'Traumatic Injury' and birth can be like that for children in addition to past life memories that they bring with them to overcome by healing those memories. Source link also shares with us that there have been some preliminary studies done for elderberry and 'allergies'.

1 comment:

  1. 'I rejoiced with those who said to me, let us go to the house of the LORD.
    Our feet are standing in your gates Jerusalem'.Psalm 122:1
