
Monday 11 May 2015

The 'Headless Man'

Sunday morning I had a recurring dream in Australia - and I thought it strange - as every time I have that dream it usually signifies an ending: After the dream had finished - I then saw a 'headless man' wearing a dark colored suit!

I posted the information to share and then did some research on Australia and 'Headless Man' to see if there was a link and there was: A monument known as the 'headless man' - a 'headless horseman' 'headless man legend: There was the Australian 'murder' when Graham Potter 'killed' a woman - and the burial of the body of the 'headless' Ned Kelly by his Catholic descendants!

Then on Monday there is news that a body has been found in a suit case on the Grand Union Canal and I wondered if it had anything to do with seeing that man on Sunday morning: The first news report didn't say whether the body is male or female - and so far they haven't been able to identify the body - although the police have referred to the finding as 'suspicious' circumstances:

EDIT: Tuesday news release it was a woman 

The Grand Union Canal is in 'Little Venice' and the body was found at 14:30 on Sunday 10th May 2015: The 10th of May is the 'Day of Isolation' and Little Venice is a very expensive area in a posh part of west London:

The name of the canal is what pinged out for me - due to the word 'UNION' combined with what has been going on nationally and at Downing Street in London and Cardiff with the protesters: The singer Charlotte Church has arisen in Wales and is letting her voice be heard - giving a voice in defence of the voiceless:

Nigel Farage supporters are calling out 'Conspiracy' and 'vote rigging' in Thanet and now this strange happening that has ended a persons life on the canal: Its come to light that the Tories have been involved in a PR stunt in response to what Nigel wrote in his book about the NHS!

Nigel Farage has certainly had a lot of personal experience of the NHS due to the health conditions he has experienced in addition to the plane crash - truly he knows more about it than Cameron:

The international media tycoon Rupert was born in Australia and this post began with the recurring dream of that location: There has been Conservative upheavals when you look at the infiltration of UKIP:

For instance a Tory became an activist for UKIP and then turns coat and becomes the Conservative MP that then beats Farage for the seat that he clearly should've won!  The fact that UKIP have won Thanet District Council - but not the seat for their MP does signify that something 'suspicious' has gone on!

And now there is a body in a suitcase - is there a connection - it feels like it!

In addition to that a Bristol businessman Aaron Banks (another conservative) gave a million to UKIP campaign funding - and afterwards commissioned research to impact on the confidence of Farage: In the midst of all of that - there was the 'allegations' about the UKIP supporters - and the police found no evidence to support the 'allegations' of 'intimidation':

Certainly strange goings on everywhere - and one of the British journalists referred to the Conservative campaign as 'Ruthless': True - especially where the 'disabled' and 'vulnerable' are concerned: The conservatives have never been known for their merciful compassionate action: The LORD did not ask for sacrifice - he asked for mercy and you won't find a conservative that will give you their last two coins:

In the bible - the uncle of Ruth with the estate didn't take action because he felt it would impact on his estate: Now interesting that I used to have a friend that lived in Kent with the name of Ruth! The Christian Socialist - the author Ruth Rendell also passed over recently!

In my humble view that is what this election in the UK has been about 'the haves and have nots' -  those that are prepared to share and those that are not:

2015 is the year of generous and those that vote Conservative are not known for their giving as the last five years as already proven: The poor are poorer and the rich are richer due to what the Tories have taken from the poor in the last five years: Yes they would like you to have the 'Right to Buy' and stay in debt for the rest of your lives:

Yes they would like the property developers to be allowed to continue to build houses on our green fields - and Nigel Farage is saying - the people must have their say on the house building and immigration:

The Conservatives have now won the title of the 'Austerity Party' of the millennium and all the people that voted Conservative - actually voted for 'austerity' and more of it upon the poorest of the nation: So what does that say about them - yea the journalist was correct 'Ruthless' when it comes to dipping into their pocket to help those that require it! The people of our nation cannot afford to live on the minimum wage and Russell Brand was correct that people are 'living and dying in the gap':

11 million votes for Cameron is hardly representative of a nation of the four countries that make the UK - and apparently even John Major had more votes than Cameron - and we all know what happened to him in the UK!

Now it has dawned on me that the anonymous group have a logo with a man wearing a suit and the man is 'headless' and they say it signifies a group without a leader! Labor has certainly become that!

Congratulations to Nigel Farage for being re-instated by his supporters who have worked so hard for many years: Its only worth resigning if it is a fair and a just campaign - and we all know how Murdock runs his campaign - as it impacted upon the lives of my own family! Yes there is a lot of history to this and its not over yet - although 2012 was the end of the world - as people have known it:

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