
Saturday 9 May 2015

Leg Trauma

If you have experienced a trauma to a leg or foot you can experience seeing red marks on your leg - feet and other parts of your body - a lot of different causes are discussed on this link and it includes sitting for long lengths of time: However - in my humble view there has to have been some physical trauma to the body during the life to bring forth the blood so that you can see it on your body:

When the body experiences any physical trauma at all -  an operation and giving birth is also traumatic for the body - I recommend that people take a flower essence remedy immediately for a month or so -longer depending on the depth of the trauma experienced: The remedy that flower essence producers and vibrational medicine healers recommend is the traditional 'Rescue Remedy': So important is this combination remedy - that I always carry some with me in case I ever require it - or I meet someone that does require it!

Sun Essences in Norfolk still grow the flowers in the area where Dr Bach did his original research into the flowers - and I highly recommend the flower essence producer Viv Williamson who also authored a book on Dr Bach remedies and it is available directly from her website or from Amazon etc Viv still makes the essences by hand - and that truly is a joy in this day and age!

Of course a special combination remedy can be provided specifically for you - if there are other health conditions to take into account when receiving a treatment:

What else is essential - within 24 hours of any 'accident' or as soon as the body can receive physical massage - this should be implemented as soon as physically possible - due to the tissues of the body holding onto the trauma that it has experienced: We also know scientifically that trauma changes DNA - so after a traumatic experience - your body can and often does change - when you can then see that manifesting on the skin of your own body - you are then aware that the processes inside your body have changed due to that experience: It is telling you that more action must be taken by you to heal what the body is telling you about your body!

1 Vibrational Medicine to be taken immediately orally
2 Therapeutic Massage preferably with aromatherapy oils as soon as possible

The great thing about Lavender Oil is that you can put it straight on your body without dilution and that is certainly the first oil that I turn to in such circumstances: I particularly like the combination of lavender and geranium that was given divinely for people that have been through operational procedure: Lavender and geranium can be used in a massage oil like almond oil or evening primrose oil  - sometimes I have even used olive or rice bran oil: It just depends how I feel intuitively on the day and also what oil I have:

Both Elijah and Jesus spoke of the oil and the bible also mentions anointing your head with oil - in recent days I have recommended that a person who has had a 'stroke' be dabbed on their head gently with lavender oil and we have to treat the whole body not just one part of it: So in the case of the 'stroke' patient in hospital - I also recommend putting the lavender on the hands and feet to encourage the healing process and the body to accept the healing it will receive - if a person is willing to receive it!

3 Continue to monitor your progress

Continue to massage - be tender with your body and it will be tender to you: Continue with vibrational medicine and you may also require some extra herbs specifically for your condition:  At this point in time I am strong on Basil and Oregano as my chosen herbs although I do like spices as well:

4 Healing Food recipes

When the body has experienced any form of trauma - then the foods that you intake must be very easy and quick for your body to digest - so lots of soups that include barley - fresh fruit like Pineapple - Melon and Coconut and salads with cucumber and dill:  Butternut Squash - Swede - Green Beans - Spinach - lots of garlic - Fish smoked mackerel - chicken livers: Be intuitive and listen to your body - your body is intuitive and the more that you are willing to heal the greater your intuition becomes:

The more that you listen to your body - the more it will help you to heal - and the more help you will be given: This is the time - that it is imperative that you eat specific healthy healing foods - to suit your health conditions that you maybe experiencing: A time to eat choice foods and sweet fruit drinks that are healing for the body and this is imperative during and after a bereavement:

Beetroot is excellent and so is tomato juice - I also like Pineapple - Coconut milk and strawberries: Although what the body requires from week to week can differ - due to the healing changes the body is experiencing - and what it requires to meet the challenges: So it is essential that you review your menu on a regular basis:

This evening I developed a new recipe and due to the success of UKIP at Thanet District Council  - I have called the recipe 'Farage Risotto' as it would also be good for Nigel and his back!

Palm oil with two large cloves of garlic - a small red or orange pepper thinly sliced - saute with a sliced red onion and a couple of stalks of celery and some leeks:  Add fingers full of basil and parsley - hot chili pepper and ginger to taste with a few cloves:

When soft - cover your pan in water and include your risotto rice - keep stirring:

Just before the rice has finished cooking - add some green beans cut small - three portions of spinach mix it all up together: Keep adding more water if required:

When it is cooking nicely - add a skinned smoked mackerel - and a baby beetroot chopped:

A colorful healthy meal

5 Exercise - Inversion

I am testing an inversion therapy table for oxygenating the blood - to ease its flow - and I also give my body Reiki that also oxygenates the blood by 30%: The main reason I got the table was because I have experienced some sciatica - following years of back aches due to the trauma that the body has experienced:

Inversion helps to straighten - strengthen - and stretch the back easily - and that then also impacts on the meridians - muscles and the spinal fluids: You only require a few minutes a couple of times a day to start to feel the difference: I have been using it most days for a week now - and so far - so good! If I have a day when I don't feel like it - then I don't - I listen to the body and its messages:

Exercise as never been so easy as it is with inversion - although I must say it is not a choice for everyone - it depends on the state of your health condition and age etc: In serious and chronic health conditions - a doctors advice should be taken in this regard prior to trying inversion - due to the blood going to the brain:

If you are fit enough for inversion partial or otherwise - then you're certainly fit enough to try the other recommendations! If you do embrace inversion - then like everything else in the healing process - it is very important that you embrace it very slowly: One very gentle step at a time:

Physical trauma happens quickly - and we have to heal the body holistically as much as possible due to the long lasting impact of the 'shock of the damage' that the body endured:

6 Reiki Healing

Original artwork of the Reiki with Quan Yin Healing Meditation CD 

I have often given Reiki to people - and could feel where their tissue was holding on to past 'injuries' - 'injuries' that they had even forgotten about - due to it being so long ago: The tissues can hold onto memories for literally years -  if a person doesn't do their utmost to help the body to release it:

I even discovered that the tissues in my cervix - had been holding to the laser treatment it had experienced 33 years prior: The heat had been brought to the surface of my body for healing of the cells due to it!

The mind is in every cell and every cell has a mind of its own - the body can only release what it holds in the correct environment - with the correct methodology - in the perfect timing - when you treat it with tender loving care it asks for: What happens to your feet impacts on the rest of your body - that is very important to remember:

7 Sound - in this case Tibetan Sound Bowls

If you would like help with a specific health condition then ask

It can be intense but also fulfilling - as I am always divinely guided

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