
Friday 8 May 2015

Nicola Win Predicted

Nicola Sturgeon wins for Scotland and that is so no surprise bearing in mind that the LORD shouted


I don't agree with everything that she says - although I do agree with most of it! 

So congratulations to Nicola Sturgeon - it is bound to be an interesting time with SNP MP's in parliament to call the Tories to account! I do not view Cameron returning to No 10 as Prime Minister as an impressive win for him - as Obama described it! If you look at the vote count and the fact that even John Major had more votes than Cameron - and we all know what happened to him: I have to say that I actually liked what John Major had to say and I've never liked Cameron - or thought he was an appropriate man for the job! 

As we know - three leaders have resigned and I wrote that the Labor party should have hired yours truly to develop their election campaign - as I could've done a much better job than they did! It is clear that the electorate haven't forgiven the Labor party for what it did the last time it was in office! 

Amazing result for Nigel Farage with nearly 4 million voters supporting his new party - it just shows you how powerful the CT community can be when the community get behind a man to push him forward: Nigel was impressive during his years in the EU parliament - and I don't think we have seen the last of him! Nigel has created the fastest growing party - in the shortest space of time - and that really deserves applauding: 

Nearly 4 million votes is no mean feat - and its interesting how he mentions the young people and women that voted for him - the march for freedom has truly begun! Immigration is one of the aspects that Nicola and Nigel didn't agree upon  - and I have to admit I agree with Nigel in that regard - although again - like Nicola - I don't agree with Nigel on everything: Now Nigel deserves some time off to recover from a strenuous campaign: 

Nigel and Nicola have certainly made a huge contribution in doing their utmost to transform the status quo that exists: UKIP have a platform and from that platform and all of the experience they have gained - they have clear direction to campaign for political reform and proportional representation that was promised by the Tories five years ago: 

The people of the UK were also promised a referendum on the EU - so is it any wonder - that the Tory vote was so low: 

A sad night for the Liberal Democrats and the moral of the story is never compromise on your integrity!  The Christian right wingers do block vote - just like unions block vote on the left wing: It seems to me that the two main parties purposely moved to the centre when they saw that the Liberal Democrats were gaining ground - and some of their MP's have been successful for a long time: To see a party grow so slowly over decades - then to be demolished in one night is historic - it reminds me of 9-11! 

With Nicola's SNP in parliament with that many seats - there is bound to be fireworks in the house of commons - and Cameron will certainly not have an easy ride of it! 

History was also made with the young SNP MP that is only 20 years of age - the first time a youngster has been in parliament for 350 years! I feel sure there will be some cutting of ties and beers on men's heads in the new parliament! You don't cross a Scot - for if you do - you shall certainly know about it! 

I did say that it would be a 'Butternut Squash' election with the variety of Venus and there is a large farming community in Scotland! The Labor party certainly got squashed when the butternut sat on them  now let's see if SNP can do the same with the 'austerity' measures! It feels like Guy Fawkes all over again and the anonymous group are bound to be in action: So let us convene again on this at the end of the year and review how generous 2015 has been:

If you like to read the commentary on this blog - then please consider making a donation for the time given writing it: Everyone has to eat - and it is the time to eat choice foods and sweet drinks that are healthy for you: 

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