
Friday 8 May 2015


While I was responding to a person the LORD spoke and he said 'Lindisfarne' 'This is my Lady'

I had heard of the musicians called Lindisfarne but there is also an Island off the coast of Northumberland with the name of "Lindisfarne' and it is known as a Holy Island and Christian pilgrims visit it - there are facilities for going there on a retreat: It sounds wonderful - and it would be great for a spiritual adventure:

The little Island has a history going back to the 6th century and it could well be significant to the person that often shares with yours truly! Quite possibly a past life connection as the island as a long history with many different characters that have lived on it: In our view of the Lindisfarne Castle it is important to look at the history of the area and the mainland close to it:

Lindisfarne Castle is a 16th-century castle and the information provided say it was built in 1550! So what was going on at the time that ensured that this castle was built and who for: The nearest town on the mainland is Berwick-upon-Tweed and it changed hands more than a dozen times - with the last time being in 1482 not long before the castle was built: The area was recaptured by Richard - Duke of Gloucester (later Richard III)

In 1551 the town was made a county corporate: During the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1 of England - reports claim that it was the most expensive undertaking of the Elizabethan era - due to the sheer amount of money that was spent on fortifications: Apparently the fortifications have been described as "the only surviving walls of their kind" and an engineer known by the name of Sir Richard Lee was involved in some of the design: Based upon the timing of when this castle was built - and what was going on in the area in close proximity in that timeline - it is common sense that it was most likely built for Elizabeth 1:


The Wiki link on Lindisfarne also shares with us that the island had a reputation for medicinal herbs - and some propose that the island was a healing island: There are some interesting connections between Lindisfarne and the mainland as far as healing and health is concerned: First of we all we have the name itself 'Berwick' that is of Old English origin and its name means BARLEY and the LORD spoke of the Barley for healing in 2012! 

Due to the importance of his words - I was compelled to develop some specific barley recipes for health and healing: Pearl Barley has a specific compound that is rarely found in food - and it is important for health! See this or our food blog for recipes for different health conditions: 

In mediaeval times Berwick had a hospital for the sick and poor that was administered by the Church when it was under the control of Scotland: There was a charter under the Great Seal of Scotland confirmed by King James 1 of Scotland! 

The earlier history includes the monastery on the island that was founded by an Irish monk Saint Aiden and Saint Bede wrote about it - there is also Lindisfarne Gospels and the originals are in the British Museum Library in London - although a copy has been given to Lindisfarne: 

Its no coincidence that my Dutch Jewish great- grandmother's name was Catherine Arbede and the name BEDE is associated with this island due to the writing about it by St Bede: 

In 1810 a white brick pyramid was built on Lindisfarne and it stands at Emmanuel Head: A daymarker for the ships approaching from the sea: 

Legends of ghosts on Lindifarne and it includes a white dog

Interesting that a vision of a white dog was given on the 1st of May 

Lindisfarne Abbey and St Mary's

Marygate House 

Lindisfarne Gospels

The original Lindisfarne Gospels are held in the British Museum in London: A place where I spent a lot of time as a child just wondering around on my own: I was fascinated by the museum and it always felt so quiet and peaceful - I loved history when I was young - and I would walk around the museums in London in wonder at all that was held within their walls! 

No surprise then that the British Museum Library hold copies of my work - the healing meditations of the heart that was ordained to be delivered as predicted in biblical prophecy: Little did I know what would transpire after the delivery of what began with a prayer - and there was wonderful reviews of it from Scotland and the national media in England:

As the LORD said 'By the time they find out what we have done - it will be too late for them to change it'

The Son of God is hot for this 

James Blake singing Lindisarne

Some have written that the name Lindisfarne comes from two words 

meaning Lincolnshire Traveller 

Saint Cuthbert was definitely a traveller 

In the recent health dream there was a man wearing a white robe

and the white robe can be found in Judaism 

Sometimes they wore it as a burial shroud and somethings as a wedding gown

So since the 1st of May we have received the following:

White Dog
Health Dream that mentions a health minister
Lindisfarne Message 'This is my Lady'
White brick pyramid for the ships to see from the North Sea
Holy Island - Lindisfarne - Medicinal Herbs
Location of pilgrims to the sanctuary of Lindisfarne

7th-8th May
SNP victorious on the 'Day of Devotion'
Announcement of three leaders resigning
The possibility of a previous health minister becoming the Labor leader
In the dream there was a sign with a man in nature -
and there was the situation with the sign of the man in Hampstead
during the election - indicating the timeline:
The health dream featured business people in a conference type boardroom

Its also interesting that on the evening of the 7th of May my son shared with his mum that he has had an interview for a part-time job - and he has a trial run next week: The interesting aspect is that the location is opposite a hospital with hospital in its name! Amazing divine intervention - as I also had a dream of that specific location in 2013 - and in the dream there was Cameron and I was being very forthright with him - calling him out for what he has done! In the dream it was Christmas time and he had to receive the message loud and clear - before I was willing to sit with business friends again!

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