
Thursday 7 May 2015

Russell Brand Feedback

Russell Brand certainly gets people going - and it is clear that the 'hackers' know how to have a go at him - alas he is always ready with a comeback response - to those that stand against him - so here is his response and I have also provided you with some feedback on what he is saying:

He mentions health being an important aspect of why he made his choice - Brand talks about the people 'millions are living and dying in the gap!' That also aligns with the dream that I had of the man in the white robe and health!

His decision would put him in the higher tax bracket - which means that he is willing to pay a lot more tax to help the poor! 

Isn't that what people who are suffering would like to see - the wealthy to do - people putting their money where their mouths are - as the Labrinth eclipse conveyed! However - I would like to see the money going directly to the people - and not into central government coffers to spend it how they wish! 

As I wrote previously - a vote for an MP doesn't give those MP's a 'power of attorney' to spend the money of the people how they wish to do so eg bail out the banks and the bankers etc! 

Perhaps those MP's would like to share with us what happened to all of those pensions of the people - that did 'die in the gap' before they reached retirement age! 

Brand views this election as a stepping stone - while emotive social evolution is still developing the way forward: He views it as the only real alternative in the meantime - although of course he still supports a complete change in the whole system!

So basically he's saying that at this point in time - there isn't a complete replacement of the system that is being offered to the people: So to keep Cameron out and stop the further austerity cuts that impact on the health and lives of the people - he saw no other choice but to go the way that he did with his vote! 

He also mentions a friend of his that has a brother with MS - and if the Tories got in due to the cuts - the guy would have two choices - live with his brother or put him in a home! Life conditions and experiences like that are certainly very emotive - and so Brand viewed his vote as a vote for social justice: Whereby there would be more social justice with Labor than the Tories: 

However has he forgotten the 100 stealth taxes that Labor inflicted upon the poor the last time that they were in office: I am sure that many people haven't forgotten and if Ed does move into number 10 then you can be sure that Russell will keep a keen eye on every single move he makes: Brand is not afraid to call any or all of them out - Brand his willing to be on the front line and call everyone to account when necessary - so from my perspective - he Russell Brand still has my respect until such time that he gives me a reason not to do so! 

The advice that wisdom offers Russell is that he should review his communication again - and just because the public throw words at him - he doesn't have to communicate in the way that those that view him do so! 

You have your own communication skills Russell - stay true to who you are - and don't copy the people and how some of them communicate! Eventually the people will catch up - and learn a more loving way to communicate about life conditions: They will also come to comprehend that their communication impacts on their health of their being! 

Non-violent communication is essential in the growth of emotive social evolution! 

Motto being 'Be real - be good' in all that you say and do! 

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