
Thursday 7 May 2015

Day of Devotion 7th May

Well the election voting is well underway and some of the reports have been surprising due to the heat of the feelings of the people that are voting: There has been reports of 'intimidation' at the voting booths up and down the UK from Portsmouth to Scotland and even includes Hampstead in North London!

In Judaism it is written that the 7th May is the historical day that the students get their freedom from the plague that was upon them - and the hackers have replaced photographs of party leaders and replaced with Ed on Wikipedia! I can see why Russell Brand came out in favor of Ed - he wouldn't wish to upset the hackers now would he: I saw this energy this week floating in front of my eyes - so it is a good painting for this post: Its what I would call a 'Butternut Squash' election and the farmers have certainly had a powerful impact on what's coming!

My Butternut Squash came from South Africa and it is the variety of Venus - so its going to be a powerful election for the women of the nation! Women at the rock face - as they see the rising cost of what they put in their food baskets!

What happened in Hampstead reminds me of one of the situations in the White Robe Health Dream - as in the dream there was a man on a sign in the countryside: The Independent share with us that the man on the placard is Simon Marcus and I also had a Simon dream!

The Independent are providing live updates as it happens - so enjoy the show!

Police earlier launched an investigation into allegations of voter intimidation in a marginal seat in North West London.

Officers were called to a station in Hampstead, over fears a large Tory placard on view next to a polling station broke strict campaigning rules, The Mirror reported.

A photo showed a bright blue placard attached to a house next to the polling station, featuring the face of candidate Simon Marcus.
 A Met Police spokeswoman said: “Police attended a residential address in Fairhazel Gardens, West Hampstead, this morning Thursday, 7 May after a call from a member of the public.

“Officers spoke to the occupant about a placard in their front garden.

“There was no criminal offence committed and no further action by police.”

In my youth I lived in Hampstead and its truly a beautiful place to live - if you can afford it! Also spent a lot of time with Sophia my grandmother - and my parents while growing up on Hampstead Heath!

Neither my son and I are voting - my 32 year old son as never voted as far as I know - I didn't fill in the registration papers to vote myself - it is my protest against what the local councils do with your registration information: I must admit since I stopped registering - 'junk mail as decreased' immensely!

I used to write 'Return to Sender' and put it back in the post box! It seemed to me that eventually the corporations would get the message! So my day of devotion is being true to the self and integrity - for in all integrity with hand on my heart - my devotion is to the will of God - and not to the politicians that God said is the bane of your life!

Although I do think that Nigel Farage deserves the opportunity to show the nation what he can do - he has an appropriate business background to take on the bankers - he has also been incredible at overcoming incredible odds in his life: So in many ways - I hope that he is victorious over those that have continuously stood against him:

He was impressive in the EU parliament - and I applauded him for his work to counteract the Euro's: He is a man that can run a business which is more than you can say for the others - Cameron should retire and become a writer it would suit him much better - and I don't think that the students will be very forgiving of the Liberal Democrats due to the tuition fees!

Historically - Socialists in this country fought for education for all in equality - and with the cost of university education that now ensures that only certain people can afford it! That then opens education up to more immigrants coming into the country to study - and then many of them find partners and jobs and stay in the UK! So that has certainly got to change - training of nurses should also be returned to apprenticeships and degrees given for doing so! We simply cannot have the situation whereby 2 out of every 3 jobs are going to immigrants: Nor can we have a repeat of the situation whereby students take the education grants and then immediately leave with it:

The last thing that the UK requires is 250000 nurses coming into the UK from India due to the large number of nurses retiring in the next five years - so you can be sure that people are voting for change on this day of devotion!

The Christian Socialists will be out in force - get real and get good - although borrowing of the political parties has got to change! How can Cameron tell the people to live within their means when the politicians haven't done so! Did Tony Blair live within the means of the nation - or Gordon Brown - certainly not! Is it any wonder that the nation requires a person that they can truly put their confidence and trust in!

The best thing the Tories ever did was 'Investors in People' so what happened to that - the best thing that the Labour party ever did was creation of Sure Start and giving power back to the people! It was while I was a consultant to Sure Start that I was able to introduce the 'New Empowerment Model' especially designed for the parents: The results of the implementation research proved that to help the children - you have to help the parents - because what impacts on the parents impacts on the lives and health of the children!

So if Ed does get in - then that must be one of his priorities - he must put children first - and get rid of the bedroom tax - and all of the austerity measures that have been inflicted upon the poorest of the nation!

For truly the national health of the people is of primary importance - as the white robe health dream conveyed - and health in the will of God is certainly where my devotion is in this year of repose!

Now those bankers perhaps they would like to donate all of their bonuses to yours truly - so that we can open healing domes for 'depressed and suicidal children' - as 50% of the male population in the UK is 'depressed' due to the bankers impact on the 'crushed' workforce:

That means that a huge number of children in the UK are growing up in 'depressed' homes during heavy austerity as well! Cameron didn't even know how many food banks there are in the UK - or what the increase had been since he took office! What a show he provided for the nation - the man that bites in his lip when standing next to Putin - Cameron that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth - big smiles!

As far as I am concerned - Cameron should never have been put into No 10 - and he will certainly go down in history as the 'worst' prime minister the country was forced to endure! The nation has gone beyond the endurance of what the conservatives have done to the nation: And I am sure that many Americans feel exactly the same way about Obama!

I went to a local meeting with the conservatives - and all the older people were interested in was road infrastructure - and how they were going to get to the shops in their new cars! Of course they didn't wish to discuss social justice issues - that wasn't the concern of the older conservative voters!

Now science proves what yours truly has been sharing for decades! Jesus predicted that wisdom would be proven right - oh yea - science certainly is proving that wisdom is correct!

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