
Tuesday 12 May 2015

Green Apples Dream

I had a dream of food and I was in a shop with lots of interesting foods from different countries:

I was walking around with a trolley and could afford to buy anything: The last thing that I picked up in the dream was a packet of little green apples: 

These were not ordinary apples because you could either eat them or let them grow:

In dream interpretation to dream of buying food predicts a happy family celebration - and after I had the dream - my son came home - he was happy - he had been offered a job in a location where he has worked before:

When he worked there before - he worked really hard for two years (supervisor) and then they laid him off just before they were due to give him a proper work contract with full employment rights!  That was the second time that happened to him during his work life: 

Now he has decided to go back to the North side - although wisdom would've followed through on a closer and different opportunity rather than go back to an old reality: So what does that tell his mum about her son - he is still having to work on his 'comfort zones':  However - his choice is in a place and company that he enjoyed working in very much - so I can see why he chose to accept it the opportunity offered: He also says that the company is under new management: 

Next we look at the significance of 'Green Apples' and I am being given 'Rendezvous' as I write this - Rendezvous is a great name for a place to meet with friends: Now there are lots of realities that relate to the word 'Rendezvous' and one of those realities is an Indian festival held in Delhi by the Indian Institute of Technology! We are also aware that there is an eight year Indian plan that Australia gave its backing to - and it includes the UK!

In dream interpretation to dream of 'green apples' signifies 'danger' and it signifies that the location of where the job has been offered - is not a safe place to work: They also serve food in that location where he has been offered a job: However they don't serve apples in the place where he is planning to go - although they do serve apple juice - it could also relate to conditions that surround it:


China is the largest producer of apples and the USA is the second-leading producer with more than 6% of world production: Turkey is third followed by Italy - India and Poland! Alexander the Great is credited with finding the 'dwarf apples' in Kazakhstan in 328BCE!

In ancient Greece to throw an apple at someone was a declaration of love -  in 21st century UK- if a child throws an apple at a Muslim - they can end up at the police station - in court and with some community service: Life has changed in the UK since Islam arrived - as many do not embrace the European customs or are willing to appreciate and comprehend them: 

In ancient times if you caught the apple when it was thrown at you - then it meant that you accepted the love - and it is written that the apple was sacred to Aphrodite: In English legend Robin Hood fired his arrow at the apple and split it in two!

However when Obama was running for his first election the Jewish Bohemian described Obama as the apple -v- the mushroom! The Americans understand the sheer 'danger' their country is in - and there have been even more serious reports from Baltimore: 

America has a president with an Islamic heritage and now the UK have a business secretary in the Cabinet that also has an Islamic heritage in Pakistan: He went to his first Tory conference when he was just 20 years old - and he was a vice-president of a bank by the age of 25: It is written that David Cameron said that he would like him to be the next prime minister:


So what did immigration bring - Asians involved in the running of what was once a united kingdom - I wonder if Nicola Sturgeon would be happy to hand her seat and Scotland over to them: Maybe then she might change her tune on immigration: 

In addition to the Tory business secretary - another new addition to the cabinet is a woman whose dad was going to join UKIP and apparently he resigned after 90 minutes - was that due to the impact it would have on his daughters career:

His daughter who is now employment minister for works and pensions -  it is written that the woman who would like to bring back the 'death penalty' will be involved in the next round of welfare cuts that impact upon the poorest people in the UK! 

Why is this so very important - Asian DNA is different to those that have a long historical heritage of living on the land of the UK: Wisdom knows that Asians experience health conditions in the UK that they do not suffer in their lands of origin - that is why Asians are seeing a huge increase in weight and other health issues: The Asian immigrant population of families are plagued with health conditions and diseases that their families never had before:

Modern medicine has not been able to stop the impact on the health of the Asians - and taking over the medical and dental profession did nothing to aid their cause - it only deepened their own plight and the plight upon the nation:

Its no coincidence that the fact is - that disease in the nation is higher now - than it has ever been due to the immigrant population itself: Higher immigrant population brought large amounts of people that required the NHS - housing and jobs and other infrastructure: 

Each land has its own vibrational frequency applicable to the people that were born on it: The conservatives laid off 5000 nurses in the last five years and now they're planning to bring in 250000 from India: I warned a local MP in 2007 - that if they don't put a stop to the immigration there will be a civil war and bloodshed in every town and city! 

Nigel Farage is also well aware of the sheer importance of what successive governments have co-created for the UK! Did you know they have even erected a monument of Gandhi at the tune of a million pounds - that money could have been given to feed the 'poor' and 'disabled' in the UK! 

It is written that Plato wrote about the apple: 

I throw the apple at you, and if you are willing to love me, take it and share your girlhood with me; but if your thoughts are what I pray they are not, even then take it, and consider how short-lived is beauty.

—Plato, Epigram VII

In the UK from 1922 apples were promoted as a fruit to keep the doctor away - as home grown fruit in England includes apples: 


There are allergies associated with apples and one of those allergies is called 'Birch-Apple Syndrome' now apples and apple juice can be found in the food chain: So when you have a smoothie do you know where the apple juice in it as come from: How about apple drinks or apple cider! I must admit I like English cider for cooking my red cabbage in - although I don't have it often enough: 

If you feel that you have an allergy or your body as an allergic response to anything that you eat - then it is best to see a health kinesiologist for testing your body: 

Health kinesiology that was developed in the West - keep the health of your nations in the hands of Western nations - not the nations of others! Be aware that sometimes 'foreign foods' can impact on your body in a way that you did not appreciate that they would - and a lot of ghee from the East has been put in processed foods and the global food chain: Our bodies were made to process food - not eat processed food!

The 'commodity brokers' like the ex-vice-president of the bank are not health professionals like yours truly - and there is a huge significance to the impact of food - on the health and healing of your bodies: 

Sometimes I have a 'wheat allergy' like I do this week - and I have come to know that one of the reasons for it in my own reality - is due to the fact that the wheat used to make the bread that was eaten - wasn't grown in the UK or Europe! 

My body is very intuitive and it tells me exactly what it doesn't like - and what it does like for its well-being: Always remember that Mary Seacole inspired generations of nurses - and there are plenty of nurses that would like to train in the UK: Mary Seacole was also very intuitive - and for sure she was divinely guided in health care for the veterans - and how to help the men to heal their physical 'trauma':

Plus complimentary medicine in the West has grown immensely - and - in the 80's some research was done by the medics - and it was found that more people went to see CM therapists - than their GP's  - they also discovered that the people went more often: 

The medics began to get very concerned about their future and their jobs - because there are more CM therapists in the UK - than there are doctors and nurses! It just goes to show that many of the indigenous population that could afford it - sought the professional help from CM and its healers:

Due to the fact that the doctors were not providing the answers to that which people were seeking about the causes and how to heal it: It got to the point that you were not even allowed to mention the word 'cure' on a leaflet and the healing centres and the advertising was inspected!  

CM therapists were achieving what the GP's couldn't - and therapists spent a lot more time with their clients than GP's did with their patients: The same is true all of these decades later: 

Then in the 90's they decided to try to regulate CM to get 'control' of it and that is when the spiritual freedom campaign began: We have self-regulation in CM with its individual disciplines represented: 

Previously they had tried to do that with 'martial arts' and the martial artists reared up like the lion hearts that they are - then the politicians backed off! 

Fortunately there are many martial artists involved in CM and healing - and they have provided great support when required:

So while the Asians were taking over the medical and dental profession in the UK - children from the indigenous population were guided to move into CM - to serve the people that were open to receive the help: Of course some Asian children from the nation also came with us: Especially in the cases where it had been their parents chosen career path: 

Remember this that the rich man offered himself and his love to Jesus - but he wasn't prepared to give him his wealth - as such we know what happened to him! Jesus knew how to explore his heart and test the sincerity of the man - by asking for his wealth! 

In my experience when the chips are down - there are few people that will actually put their own 'money where their mouths are' - as I have done during my life: Yea - truly walked the talk! 

Remember this only the poor woman gave Jesus her last two coins - only a poor woman gave Jesus the water to drink - only a poor woman taught Jesus about the dogs: And I can testify that it was the same in my life - in receiving and giving - just as Jesus received and gave: 

Now in the dream I picked up the 'little green apples' and put them down again - I didn't buy the 'little green apples' - it does make me wonder where those 'little green apples' came from - and who created those apples - it seems to me that science was involved in the co-creation of those 'little green apples': 

These days I tend to look at the label of everything and where it came from: 


  1. Unversity of York and their 'Green Apples' Project


  2. On the 19th May there was a fire at a major food distribution centre at Thameside in London:

