
Wednesday 27 May 2015

Queens Speech 2015

Cameron and his MP's will not have an easy time of it - as the bigger the cuts get and the more that the people bleed due to it. The more the people will rise up against that which the politicians and their policy makers co-create.

Already - even before the speech is given - the journalists are predicting a tory revolt of what the BBC journalist refers to as the 'Luvvies' within the tory party.

Indeed even the IOD that I used to attend locally - have come out against the 'Smart Meters' now they will see a nation of people with their heart of conscience rear up like lionhearts - the crusader wearing the armour of God to defend the people and this land. For as it is written - an Englishman's home is his castle!

For the institute of directors to stand with the people against the 'Smart Meters' is a sign of great hope for the nation. During the summer parties and get togethers this year - a lot will be discussed and shared in the shires and the shires always impact upon London. I am being told it will be 'epidemic' as once Jesus as called you - it is irrevocable and undeniable! Were you called for your integrity as was I. Many were called and few were chosen!

It will spread and spread like a heatwave of spreading the paint - it will grow like hemp - it will infuse the heart and soul and compel it with compassionate action and the divine love that people were born to be. It will ring the bells in every town and city - everyone will hear the call to action.

Like infectious joy when a baby is born - and the family all come around to see the new birth. The joy of living cannot be extinguished from those that have true hope and love and peace in their hearts.

The light of love lives on in the hearts of the people - and together we move forward in this year of Jesus the generous in 2015. In integrity - justice shall be done and we shall not be moved. There shall be no compromise. As Jesus said 'The truth shall ring in their ears' for sure it will ring and it be as he said, 'epidemic'. That amount of clairaudience that may be heard by the people of this nation - people who are being opened up to hear and see more than ever before to reach every heart.

He says 'Even the foreign heart' as it was predicted years ago - 'no stone shall remain unturned' 'emotive social evolution' was predicted to come to be in this land. A land that has touched many hearts with the heart of meditation - visions and dreams that was gifted to the descendants of Joseph and all those that had the ears to hear - the eyes to see and the heart to comprehend.

My relationship with Jesus - is a relationship of teamwork. 

Hand in hand - side by side together. 

Heaven and earth is my witness. 

The Love Union 

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