
Thursday 28 May 2015


After I took my rest today the message received from the LORD was 'Ubiquitous' and it means 'being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent. 'Having or seeming to have the ability to be everywhere'.

The 28th May is the 'Day of the Innovator' 

So what is in the news this evening - the Daily Mail report that a statue has been 'destroyed' in the ancient city of Palmrya. The lion of Judah with the gazelle between its paws and in the songs of solomon we find the gazelle that defends the tree of life.

The lover and the beloved and last night when I baked a cake two faces emerged on the head of the cake. In the oat cake I had put dates and sultanas and Palmrya was once a glorious oasis in the desert with many palms.

So what is the importance of the two. Amos 3:3 'Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? 'Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done by them by my Father in heaven'. Matthew 18:19 that is one of the reasons that it is written that Jesus sent his healers out together two at a time.

So might you consider the times in your life when you have been most successful when there were two of you working together. I can view that in many times of my life when wisdom is working with others. In business, in fundraising for charity, in exhibiting, in healing therapies the list goes on.

When a person supports yours truly - I have found that people are very successful in what they do. When they try to go it alone without yours truly - then they're not as successful in what they do - and the truth is self-evident in this regard as we saw in the life of David and many other realities and lives.

Those that are in Christ harmoniously agree with each other - so there is agreement amongst many people in the spiritual community in different cultures and nations. Of course people do not have to agree with you and that usually means that they are at a different level of spiritual evolution and growth. Or they can just be a different age and in a different phase of their life.

The principles are the same in the heart of every culture and nation and some know that the Spirit of Elijah is the life giver - and that is why it is written that Jesus called out ELI ELI when he was on the cross. However prophecy predicted that he would leave Israel and that in the future they would weep again - as they did previously.

This week one of the specials at ALDI is Rhubarb - and the most important nutrient in Rhubarb is the Vit K and that is essential for your body. I like Rhubarb Crumble with custard and or cream - so when I saw the rhubarb I thought of the crumble immediately and my parents liked rhubarb crumble as well.

They ate very healthy food and looking back in hindsight - it is really interesting what foods they ate and how healthy they were. All the food was home cooked - and we were never given any of what has become known as 'convenience foods'. Although we did eat fish and chips and go out for dinner sometimes in the more prosperous years.  Healthy foods equal strong bones - and if your physical structure is strong - then the rest can be healed.

Having the ability to be able to 'unlock' consciousness to help others to find the treasure in their lives is heavenly given - to help people to proceed and be victorious. Although the 'unlocking' is always done with love in our hearts - pure intention and the utmost attention.

Being able to share the keys with others as ordained to those that are given. To be chosen to give the keys to heavenly realities is mighty indeed and for the glory of God and his Son. Indeed the old heaven and earth is passing away just as the prophets predicted. As the spiritual community raise up humanity to a new level of comprehension of that which heals consciousness. So that people can really appreciate and experience the realms of true divinity.

The link to this blog was shown to me today. 'Accepted and Established'

kimu v'kiblu

A great song for the CT community.

Ubiquitous Mr Lovegrove 

In remembrance of those that lived through it all. 

Those that gave their all to help humanity. 

Those that we remember in our hearts. 

Those that deserved the very best that life could offer them. 

The life giver. 

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